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there be的非限定形式

发布时间:2015-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

there be的非限定形式
there be的非限定形式是there to be和there being,主要用来做介词或动词的宾语、主语或状语。如:
Have you ever thought of there being so many interesting films for you to choose from?没想到过有这么多有趣的电影供你选择吧?
John was relying on there being another opportunity. 约翰相信另有机会。
There being a bus stop so near my house is a great advantage. 有公交车停在离我房子这么近的地方是很大的优势。
There having been no rain, the ground was dry. 由于没有下雨,地上很干燥。
It’s unusual for there to be so few people in the street. (=It’s unusual that there are so few people in the street) 这条街上这么少的人是不寻常的(from www.yygrammar)。
It was too late for there to be any subways. 太晚了,不会有地铁了。
Would you like there to be a meeting to discuss the problem? 你们要开个会讨论一下这个问题吗?
I don’t want there to be a simple mistake in the article that I have written. 我不想我写的这篇文章中有错误。
I except there to be no argument about this. 我期限望对此事没有争论的。
注:there to be常做like, expect, mean, want, intend, prefer, hate等的复合宾语。


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