有关系动词feel的一道考题 请看下面这道题: “Do you like the material?” “Yes, it _________ very soft.”http://yingyu.chazidian.com A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt 【分析】此题容易误选D,想当然地根据“这布料摸起来很柔软”这一句意,认为“布料”应是“被摸”,所以 feel 选用被动语态。其实,此题正确答案为C,因为 feel 在此为连系动词,而所有的连系动词均为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,尽管有时其汉语意思有被动意味。请看以下类例 (答案均为D): (1) Her forehead _________ hot. I’m afraid she is ill. A. is feeling B. felt C. is felt D. feels (2) The new school has been completed. It _________ very beautiful. A. is looked B. looked C. has looked D. looks (3) The dish _________ nice, but the milk _________ sour. A. is smelt, is smelt B. is smelt, smells C. smells, is smelt D. smells, smells (4) The story of his life _________ interesting. A. is sounded B. is sounding C. has sounded D. sounds