本站特约作者李翔 http://yingyu.chazidian.com 一、aware的用法 1. 知道;意识到;明白(knowing or realizing sth) (1) 作表语。例如: Are you aware of the difficulty? 你意识到困难了吗? I’m (well) aware that very few jobs are available. 我(很) 清楚工作职位非常少。 I don’t think you’re aware (of) how much this means to me. 我想你还不知道这对我多么重要。 (2) 作宾语补足语。例如: It’s time someone made him aware of the effects of his actions. 该有人让他知道他的所作所为造成的后果了。 2. 察觉到;发觉;发现 (noticing that sth is present, or that sth is happening) 作表语。例如: She became aware that something was burning. 她发觉有东西烧着了。 3. 对……有兴趣的;有意识的 (interested and knowing about sth and thinking it is important) (1) 作定语。例如: She’s always been a politically aware person. 她一直非常关心政治. (2) 作表语。例如: Young people are very environmentally aware. 年轻人的环保意识很强。 二、aware的搭配 1. 意识到的 (1) be / seem / become awake。例如: Bill became aware that he was still holding his glass. 比尔意识到,他仍然握着他的玻璃杯。 (2) make sb awake。例如: We need to make people more aware of these problems. 我们必须使人们更加认识到这些问题。 (3) remain / stay awake。例如: Citizens need to remain aware of the danger. 公民需要知道危险。 (4) acutely / intensely / keenly / very / very much / well awake。例如: I am very much aware that not everyone agrees with me. 我非常清楚,不是每个人都同意我的说法。 (5) fully / perfectly awake。例如: Mr Moore did not appear fully aware of the importance of this act. 穆尔先生似乎没有充分认识到这种行为的重要性。 注:认为very不能修饰aware的传统观点是不符合当前英语实际情况的。 (6) consciously Even before you are consciously aware of being afraid, your body may be reacting. 你还没有意识害怕的时候,你的身体可能正在做出反应。 (7) dimly / vaguely / suddenly awake。例如: She was suddenly aware that she was being watched. 她突然意识到,她在被监视。 (8) barely / hardly / not really awake。例如: He was not really aware of what he was doing. 他真的不知道自己在做什么。 (9) horribly / painfully / uncomfortably awake。例如: Moran was painfully aware of Luke’s absence. 莫兰痛苦的意识到卢克的缺席。 (10) awake of。例如: The police are well aware of the dangers. 警方十分清楚这些危险。 2. 对……有兴趣的 environmentally / politically / socially aware。例如: The organization aims to create a new generation of environmentally aware consumers and producers. 该组织的目的是培养新的一代具有环保意识的消费者和生产者。
三、辨析 1.aware, conscious, sensible 这些形容词均含“意识到的”之意。 aware → 强调通过耳闻目睹或感觉而得到的信息,也指敏税的观察和推断。侧重感知,多与of一起用。 conscious → 指内心的感觉,强调深刻的心理活动。 sensible → 侧重通过直觉或理性感觉意识到某物的存在。 2. aware, cognizant, conscious, sensible, awake, alert, watchful, vigilant 这些形容词意为对某件事很留心或很注意。 (1) aware 意指通过自己直觉,如根据别人的态度或者依靠某种信息方式而得到的认识。例如: I am aware that Congress has passed the legislation.我知道议会已经通过了立法。 (2) cognizant 是一个和aware相当的非常正式的词。例如: Our research indicates that the nation’s youth are cognizant of the law. (Jerry D. Jennings) 我们的调查表明全国的青年已有了法律意识。(杰里·D·詹宁斯) (3) conscious 强调某种感知到或感觉到的认识。例如: an importance ... of which even Americans are barely conscious (William Stanley Jevons) 一种甚至连美国人也几乎没有认识到的重要性(威廉姆·斯坦利·杰文斯) (4) sensible 指通过感性知觉或通过直觉得到的认识。例如: as much awake to the novelty of attention in that quarter as Elizabeth herself (Jane Austen) 在那一季对引人注意的新奇事物的感知象伊丽莎白自己一样多(简·奥斯汀) (5) alert 强调认识及反应的快捷性。例如: alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came. 当机会到来的时候充分认识到并攫住它 (6) watchful 和vigilant 指注意表面的或潜在的危险。例如: keeping a vigilant eye on every building where a fire might start. 注意每一座可能发生火灾的大楼。