本站特约作者李翔 一、aground 的用法 ■基本义:(指船)搁浅 (of ships) touching the bottom in shallow waterhttp://yingyu.chazidian.com ■作表语。例如: The tanker was / went / ran aground. 油船搁浅了。 We were winning the boat race until our boat went aground (on an sand bank). 我们快要赢得这次赛艇比赛时,突然我们的船搁浅了。 When it ran aground, they lost heart. 当战争遇到挫折时,他们就失去了信心。 ■作宾语补足语。例如: However, one of them woke sooner than the other, finding the boat too fast aground for him to stir it.后来,两个人中的一个比另外一个先醒过来,看见小船已经搁了浅,推又推不动。 ■作后置定语 例如: a ship aground offshore 在岸边搁浅的轮船 二、aground 的搭配 be / get / go / run aground (船)搁浅, 触礁; 受阻 Their plans for building a dormitory have run aground as they are short of money. 因为资金短缺,他们建一座宿舍的计划搁浅了。 Oil is gushing from the tanker which ran aground on the reef. 原油正不断地从那条触礁的油船里涌出来。