发布时间:2015-01-20 编辑:查字典英语网小编
■本站特约作者 陈根花
The milk is off. 牛奶坏了。
The water is off. 水停了。
The gas is off. 煤气停了。
She’s off today. 她今天休息。
The electricity is off. 电停了。
The match is off. 球赛取消了。
The engagement is off. 婚约取消了。
The cover is off. 罩子已经拿掉。
Your shoes are off. 你的鞋脱掉了。
This cheese is off. 这乳酪已变质。
The agreement is off. 协议失效了。
The apple-pie is off. 苹果馅饼坏了。
She is off on Monday. 她星期一不工作。
The miner’s strike is off. 矿工的罢工取消了。
The steak pie is off today. 今日牛肉饼停止供应。
He told me that the trip was off. 他告诉我旅行取消了。
Make sure the central heating is off. 集中供暖设备一定要关掉。
Soup’s off — we’ve only got fruit juice. 汤已售完——现只供应果汁。