laughing in the wind 人物:令狐冲(linghuchong),小师妹(little sister),任盈盈(yingying),东方不败(invincible eastern),小尼姑(little nun),田伯光(tianboguang),林平之(linpingzhi)
令狐冲:little sister ,you are the most beautful girl in this world!i will love you forever .
小师妹:(害羞)oh!really?you are the most handsome boy I have ever seen!i love you too!
令狐冲:I love you too
小师妹:I love you too too
令狐冲:I love you too too too!
令狐冲:oh little sister ,your sword!
小师妹:no it’s your sword!
令狐冲:your sword!(扭扭咧咧)
小师妹:your sword!
令狐冲:your sword!
小师妹:it’s madness when I say it ,but not when you say about it!
令狐冲:ok , you are right ,it’s my sword. (顺从态)
令狐冲:little sister ,there is one thing I want to tell you ,master asked me to go downhill for a few days ,so during my absence ,brother lin will be with you ,take good care of yourself ,I will be back soon.
小师妹:rearlly?oh , my life will be boring without you!(伤感)so,good-bye!(突然兴奋)
小尼姑:give away!
田伯光:come here!
小尼姑:if you talk any more nonsence, I’ll hit you with my sword!
小尼姑:keep away! keep away!
田伯光:let me take good care of you!don’t be afraid of me , I’m the most handsome man in china.
令狐冲:stop that! Don’t hurt that girl!
田伯光:who is that man?run far away if you don’t want to pass away! 令狐冲:so ,let’s fighting!(音乐,用功夫里面的那首) (两人打斗,令狐冲不敌田伯光)
田伯光:give out that little boy!you can’t stop me from enjoying my life with her!
令狐冲:no ,if that!if that ,I’d rather die! (再上,再被打败,重伤)
小尼姑:unbelievable!he’s my hero!
东方不败:what a handsome man ,it would be a pity if you die here.and that’s why I save you ,so ,don’t fall in love with me ,forever! 令狐冲:you are a man ,how can I fall in love with you! 东方不败:but what if I ware a girl?
令狐冲:if that ,I won’t believe in love for any longer 东方不败:wait for me here!i’ll be back soon! (熄灯,东方不败换女装)
令狐冲:you you are so beautiful! I love you
东方不败:no !we can never be together ,not because of you ,nor because of me ,it’s the world to blame!goodbey honey ,we won’t meet again. (灯灭,第三幕)
(麻将声响起,四人麻将,分别是令狐冲,小师妹,林平之,任盈盈,令狐冲面对的是林平之) (中文对话: 林平之:八筒 小师妹:吃 林平之:九条 小师妹:碰 林平之:五条 小师妹:杠! 令狐冲:五桶小师妹:糊了!)
令狐冲:I lose again ,little sister ,brother lin is always help you !what’s the matter with you honey?
小师妹:so I will tell you the truth ,I am in love with brother lin ,compared with you ,he is more hot, he have strong kiss with me every now and then .but you ,have not even touch my hand during the past few years!
令狐冲:I’m so sad to hear that
任盈盈:brother linhu ,don’t be sad ,when you are longly ,I will be right by your side!
令狐冲:thank you yingying ,when everbody leave me ,you are the only one stay with me .
任盈盈:when you are longly ,I can play music for you ,so ,let us be together! I wana be your girl , and you are my boy! 令狐冲:ok,you are my girl now, do what you want to do! (任盈盈抱住令狐冲,吻了他) (灯灭)
(旁白:two years later ,it is said that invincible eastern was killed
by linhuchong , the biggest enemy died , but the world get worse , people suffer from songshanpai . linghuchong live with renyingying from that day on , but is he happy ? who is the girl really in his heart? )
田伯光:welcome to “no honesty no bother I’m the compere xiaotiantian .taday there are 4 girls waiting for their boy.now let’s welcome the sunny boy linghuchong!(音乐)
令狐冲:holle everybody , I am linghuchong from huashan mountain,I’m a strong man as well as a handsome boy,you will never regret if you choose me .
田伯光:so girls , it’s time to turn down your light , to turn or not to turn it is a question (都没有熄灯)
田伯光:it’s out of my surprise!all of the lights are on!so you can choose the girl you love best.
小师妹:brother , it was all my fault before, brother lin is no longer a real man I am so longly these days, the boy I really love is you!
小尼姑:brother , you have saved me , all my body ang heart are yours! 任盈盈:brother chong ,I am the girl who accompanied you .when you feel longly ,I played music for you .when you are happy ,I played music for you .when you are sad ,I played music for you!
令狐冲:but don’t you know I don’t love music?(径直走向东方不败,牵住她的手)
令狐冲:I thought you have passed away, it is so good to see you again 东方不败:I was saved by your master fengqingyang (停顿)。You wanted to kill me ,why choose me now?
令狐冲:I did’t want you know?it was not decide by me !belive in me ,you are the girl in my heart ! whether past or present!
东方不败:I won’t belive in you any more , you have so many female friends ,any of them can be your girl friend , isn’t it?
令狐冲:the girl you love is not the one who grow up with you ,nor the one who like you ,nor the one who play music for you ! she is the one you feel right ,and that is the most important.belive that you will always be my girl!
东方不败:thank you for your love , which I can’t afford to.we can never be together, it is decide by God . I will not marry you , nor see you again .so ,it is the last time we see each other .choose the one you like best and be kind to her . Good-bye
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