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发布时间:2014-12-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Michael: 泽泓

Scolfield: 仲铨

Lincoln: 桂帆

T-bag: 捷驰



M:(reading book) "rules for students" the book is so hard to understand,it's a little

boring..Scolfield,what are you doing ?

S: (刚开始没应答,忙于dota) i'm dota ing...Oh,no..I lost again(中文说:队友不给力啊).

what a day! I lost five times today.I couldn't dota any more..And Lincoln ,what are you busy with ?

L: nothing,just watching video.

M: which kind of video are you watching ?I guess it's American,right?

L: Yeah,American .. of course.clever boy,you know I like American movies very much.

but this movie I'm watching is not that funny.Hey..guys,it's holiday ,is there any fun we can have?

S: Say..I remember there's a party tonight at E502.

M: Oh,yes,I almost gorget it.there's a fellowship gathering tonight,which can be a good chance to make some friends..you know..

L: with some beautiful girls,right?

S: Yeah,that's really wonderful,you know ,I like this kind of gathering party..pretty girls are everywhere..

M & L :haha..we know what you mean.

L : all right.it's a deal.four of us should go to the party together.

M: OK..but where is T-bag ?

S: T-bag..

T-bag 进来

L: T-bag,where have you been?

M: we have a good news .

S: Yeah,there's a party tonight,and we can have fun ,would you come with us?

T-bag: (装悲剧ing..)sorry ,I don't want to,I'm not in a good mood.

L: come on ,man,what's wrong with you?

T: oh,well it's about my father;my family told me that he got hurt when riding a bike.

S、M、L: it's really a pity.


S: look at those four beautiful girls,as I say:pretty girls are everywhere!

M: Yeah,you are actually right,I really wanna make acquaintance with them.


S:come on,Lincoln,we are having party..

L: wait a minute ,we are having fun while our good friend T-bag is in trouble.I don't think it's appropriate.We're good friends.

M: yeah,you're right.we should do sth for T-bag.



2 hours later:



3人进来后,T: why are you come back so early?Is the party funny?

L: Yeah,the girls are prrety,but we..

S: WE got sth for you.

M: 将一张纸递给T-BAG

T: oh,my god ,it's a plane tiket for my home,that's so sweet of you..you go to buy tiket for me instead of having fun at the party..THANKS,GUYS

M: dont't thank us.WE are friends ,as the <> says:treat all of your friends just like your family at home.

L: Yeah,we're brothers.

several days later:

T-bag comes back

T-bag: hey,guys I'm back.

L: hey,T-bag,Is evething OK?

M: en..how about your father?

T: well,my father's hurt isn't very serious,he'll OK in a month or not.

S: en..YOU are a dutiful son.

L: that's really great.

T: Hey,what's are you watching just now?

L: WELL,we're watching funny video.

S: It's Japanese not American.

T: Oh,Let me see how funny it is..


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