英语话剧:《Super Mouse》-查字典英语网
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英语话剧:《Super Mouse》

发布时间:2014-12-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

今天查字典英语小编整理并分享英语话剧:《Super Mouse》,欢迎大家继续关注英语网,我们将继续为你提供更多英语短剧,希望各位老师和同学能够喜欢。

Bobo: I am back. Daddy?Mummy?Where are you? Where are you? Nobody is at home.

Father Mouse、Mother Mouse、4 little mice:(Jumps out.)Happy birthday. Bobo.

Other:Happy birthday!!

Mother Mouse:Today is your birthday, Bobo.

Bobo:Oh!! Today is my birthday?

Father Mouse:Yes. We have something for you.

Mouse 1:Look. Open it!

Bobo:What’s this?

Mouse 1: It’s a cucumber.

Bobo:Mm. Thank you. What’s this?

Mouse 2: It’s cauliflower.

Bobo:Mm. Thank you. What’s this?

Mouse 3:It’s a peanut.

Bobo:Mm. Thank you. What’s this?

Mouse 4:It’s a tomato.

Bobo:Mm. Thank you. Thank you.

Father Mouse、Mother Mouse:A big gift for you.

4 little mice: Oh?

Mother Mouse: Go.

Father Mouse、Mother Mouse:Look.

(Computer):Hello. My name is


Others:Oh? Hello, Ken.

Others:(Sing.)Hello, hello. I am Mouse. I am Mouse.

Mouse: Hi. I am Ken.

Others:(Sing.)Hello, hello. I am Mouse. I am Mouse.

Mouse: Hi. I am Ken.

Others:Who are you?

Mouse: Me? (Chant.) I am a mouse. I have a house.

Others:I am a mouse. I have a house.

Mouse: I have a tail. I can send e-mail.

Others:I have a tail. I can send e-mail.

Together: (Chant.)I am a mouse. I have a house. I have a tail. I can send e-mail.

So, we are super mice.



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