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发布时间:2014-12-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


剧中角色: rabbit, bird, elephant, bear, deer, mouse, dog, monkey, tiger

(Place)地点 The jungle


[Rabbit]: A rabbit, a rabbit, Am I big or small? I’m small, small, small. Hello, bird.

[Bird] Hello, rabbit. [Rabbit] What are you doing?

[Bird] I’m playing. Let’s play together. [Rabbit] OK.

[Elephant] An elephant, an elephant. Am I big or small? I’m big, big, big.

Good morning, brown bear and little deer.

[Bear and deer] Good morning, elephant. Let’s play together. [Elephant] OK.

[Mouse] A mouse, a mouse. Am I big or small? I’m small, small, small.

[Mouse] Good morning, Mr. Dog.

[Dog] Good morning, little mouse.

[Mouse] What are you doing, Mr. Dog?

[Dog] I’m playing with my friends.

[Mouse] Do you have any friends?

[Dog] Yes, of course. Hello, my friends. Come here. Come here. Look, they are all my friends.

[Bird] Hello, I’m a bird. I can sing songs. I have beautiful wings. I can fly in the sky.

[Monkey] Hi, I’m a monkey. I’m very clever. I can climb trees.

[Bear] Hello, I’m a brown bear. I’m stronger than you. I can climb trees, too.

[Monkey] But you’re slow. I’m very, very fast.

[Deer] Hello, I’m a deer. I can run. And I’m very fast. What can you do, little rabbit?

[Rabbit] I’m wise and cute, and I can jump.

[Elephant] Hello, I’m an elephant. I’m the strongest animal in the jungle. And I can dance.

[Monkey] You dance poorly. I can dance very well. (The other animals laugh)

[Mouse] But you are heavy. You can carry a lot of things. Nice to see you all. How do you do?

[All] Nice to see you too. How do you do?

[Mouse] Let’s be friends. [All] Yes, let’s be good friends.

[Dog] Let’s play together. [All] OK. Come on!

[Bear] Look at the beautiful flowers. [Mouse] Look out! There’s a trap.

(Suddenly, all the animals hear “Help! Help!)

[Bear] Quiet! Quiet! What’s that sound? What happened? My friends, my friends come here quickly.

[Rabbit] Who are you?

[Tiger] I’m a tiger - your friend. I fell into a trap and I can’t climb out. I beg you, help me, please.

[Mouse] I’m so sorry to hear that. Let’s help the poor tiger.

[Elephant] You can’t. He’s a tiger. He’s going to eat you!

[Tiger] No, no. I’m your friend. I’m very kind. I won’t eat you, I promise.

[Mouse] Oh, but he needs our help.

[Rabbit] He needs help. I’ll help him. Let’s help him together.

[Elephant] OK. Don’t worry. Let’s make a rope and pull him out. (action)

[All] Yes, yes. Let’s pull the tiger out.

[Elephant] Are you ready? [All] Yes. One, two, three.

[Tiger] Thank you, my friends. [All] Not at all.

[Tiger] But, I was very hot in there. Now, I would like to drink some water. Would you please get me some water?

[Monkey] I’m very clever and fast. Let me get you some water.

[Tiger] Thank you, my good friend.

[Deer] Big tiger, please, sit down. Have a rest.

[Tiger] OK. I’m very tired.

[Monkey] Big tiger, I’m back. Here is your water.

[Tiger] Thanks a lot. (Tiger drinks water.) Now I’m not thirsty anymore.

[Bird] Let’s go on playing. [All] Good. Let’s go on playing.

[Rabbit] Big tiger, let’s play together.

[Tiger] OK. Little rabbit. Now, I’m … I’m –

[Rabbit] What is it?

[Tiger] Well, I’m very hungry now. I want to eat something. I think you look delicious. I want to eat you. (action)

[Rabbit] Help! Help! Help me!

[Birds] (cry) My friend, rabbit.

[Mouse] Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Oh no!

[Bear and dog] We will remember this. You are a very bad tiger! You’ll be sorry!

[All] You are a very mean tiger! You’ll pay!

[Tiger] I’m not thirsty or hungry anymore. I’m very, very happy. (laughs and laughs. He falls back into the trap.) Help me! My friends, help me! Help me!

[All]Sorry. Goodbye! Sorry. Goodbye!

Sorry. Goodbye! (The animals look at one another. No one wants to help the tiger anymore.)



清晨,大森林沐浴在和煦的阳光里,小鸟在欢快的歌唱。三个好朋友-小兔子,小老鼠,小象边唱边向这边走来. ... ..

[兔子] :一只兔子,一只兔子,我是大或小?我小,小,小。您好,鸟类。

[波导]您好,兔。 [兔]你在做什么?

[波导]我打得。让我们玩在一起。 [兔子]确定。



[熊和鹿]早上好,大象。让我们玩在一起。 [大象]确定。


[鼠标]先生,早上好狗。 [狗]早上好,小鼠标。

[鼠标]你在做什么,狗先生? [狗]我玩我的朋友。










[猴]您舞蹈不佳。我可以舞得非常好。 (其他动物笑)



[鼠标]让我们成为朋友。 [全部]是啊,让我们成为好朋友。

[狗]让我们玩在一起。 [全部]确定。来吧!

[熊]看看美丽的花朵。 [鼠标]当心!有一个陷阱。

(突然间,所有的动物听到“救命啊!救命啊! )









[大象]确定。不要担心。让我们用绳子拉他。 (行动)


[大象]准备好了吗? [全部]是的。一,二,三。

[老虎]谢谢你,我的朋友。 [全部]别客气。

[老虎]但是,我很热中。现在,我想喝点水。唔该 给我一些水?


[老虎] :谢谢,我的好朋友。 [鹿]大虎,请坐下。有一个休息。

[老虎]确定。我感到非常累。 [猴]大虎,我回来了。这是你的水。

[老虎]非常感谢。 (老虎饮料水。 )现在我不口渴了。

[波导]让我们去打球。 [全部]好。让我们去打球。

[兔]大虎,让我们在一起玩。 [老虎]确定。小兔子。现在,我...我-


[老虎]嗯,我现在非常渴望。我想吃点东西。我想你看起来好吃。我想要吃你。 (行动)

[兔子]救命啊!帮助!救救我! [鸟类] (哭)我的朋友,兔。


[熊和狗] ,我们将记住这一点。你是一个非常糟糕的老虎!您将抱歉!


[老虎]我不是渴了或饿了。我非常,非常高兴。 (笑,并笑着说。他后退的陷阱。 )帮助我!我的朋友们,救救我!救救我!


对不起。再见! (动物看看彼此。没有人愿意帮助老虎了。 )


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