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W​h​a​t​ ​w​o​u​l​d​ ​y​o​u​ ​l​i​k​e​教​案

发布时间:2014-07-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  W​h​a​t​ ​w​o​u​l​d​ ​y​o​u​ ​l​i​k​e​教​案


  1.交际用语:What is your favourite food? I like ....best My favourite ....... What would you like? I’d like some… Would you like some…? Yes, please. No, thanks.

  2.单词和短语:hamburger, noodle, coffee, potato,a cup of tea, two glasses of water…






  教学步骤:Step 1, 引入1)根据投影上的图片或实物,用英语学过的食物、饮料和水果名称。(2)Free talk( In groups )What would you like? I’d like some… Step 2 把教室布置成快餐店。把学生分成若干组.组内一人当店员,其他人当顾客。店员:Can I help you? What would you like?学生店员:Eight yuan.Step3:Group actions小组形式展现出用餐时的交际用语。Step 4 :Homework 根据自己的情况,写一篇文章介绍自己的一日三餐健康饮食。

  任务型教学活动案例活动名称:点菜活动目的:创设真实情景,让学生运用有关用餐的英语句型,在食店点菜. 使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握英语,激发学生的学习兴趣,并做到学以致用。

  语言技能:Listening and speaking语言知识:食物名称和价格的表达方法提示词语及句型:1、必备单词和句型句型rice, hot dog, hamburger, fish, beef, soup, noodles, Coke, coffee, pear, apple, watermelon…What would you like? I’d like some milk…2、扩展词汇与句型词汇:sandwiches(三明治), tofu(豆腐),pork(猪肉),mutton(羊肉),cabbage(白菜),cucumber(黄瓜),chili(辣椒), white ground (冬瓜),carrot(胡萝卜),onion(洋葱),spinach(菠菜).句型:Can I help you? How much is it? It’s… How much are they? They’re… Wait a minute.



  一、热身活动,引起学生的兴趣1. Free talkT: I like chicken. What do you like?S1: I like hamburger. T: I like chicken. S2: I like beef.( 对没有学过的食物单词允许学生说中文,教师说出英文。)…2.A guessing game 用多媒体课件让学生猜食物的名称。把食物和饮料的图片用模糊的形式出现,让学生去猜。

  二、Pre-task(呈现完成任务需要的知识,介绍任务的要求和实施任务的步骤)1.T:(教师演示课件,一个学生放晚学回家来到厨房)Look at the screen, can you guess the topic of this class from the picture?Ss: Eating.(教师引导学生说出)

  T: Do you know What Mike will say to dad?Ss: I don’t know.T plays the CAI again. T helps Ss say the sentences:Mike: Dad, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner? I’d like some soup and rice.Dad: Ok. Wait and see

  .三、While-task (设计数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生一个人或小组形式完成各项任务)1.单词滚雪球游戏T: I’d like some beef for dinner. What would you like for dinner? S1: I’d like some beef and vegetables. What would you like for dinner? S2:I’dlike some beef ,vegetables and rice .What would you like for dinner? …I’d like some... 为完成下面的任务活动打下基础。2.listen and choose 听录音,填写表格。S1: Hello. What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner?S2: I’d like some ...

  (1)noodles (2)hamburger (3)hotdogs (4)bread (5)fish (6)eggs (7)meat (8)pork (9)cakes (10)vegetables (11)rice (12)milk (13)beef 3.课文教学(1)T: After class, Mike goes home. He is hungry . What would he like for dinner? What would his mother like for dinner? Now, let’s watch video and find out the answer.(2)教师发给学生打乱顺序的课文内容。T: Watch the video again and arrange the sentences in right order.(3)Group work: Read the text aloud. 4.Order dishes把教室布置成食品店。把学生分成若干组(三人一小组)。教师给每个小组提供一份英文菜单,.组内一人当服务员,其他两人当顾客。.

  Assistant:Can I help you ? what would you like?S1:I’d like some beef and rice. Assistant:Wait a minute.S2: How much?Assistant:Twenty yuan.……各小组轮流上台表演,以语言得体、语音准确。表述流利评出“最佳店员和“最佳顾客若干名。5.Make a survey教师制作如下表格,复印若干份,分发各小组;学生四人一组,自行确定小记者和采访对象,调查一日三餐所吃食物,并作调查记录。

  (1)noodles (2)hamburger (3)hotdogs (4)bread (5)fish (6)eggs (7)meat (8)pork (9)cakes (10)vegetables (11)rice (12)milk (13)beef四、Post-task(以展示、表演等形式出示结果)1.小组小记者汇报调查结果,教师汇总统计,用大表格的形式展现出全班学生一日三餐的情况。

  2.语法项目小结。I like chicken…what do you like?What would you like for dinner?I’d like some milk…How much?五、HomeworkLittle designer教师制作表格,要求学生4人一组利用课外时间调查家人、朋友或教师等熟悉人群的食谱,并通过网络查询、图书馆查阅或医药咨询等形式设计一套适合学生一日三餐的食谱(不会的单词可查词典)。下次英语课时展出。评选出“最佳营养食谱。并对学生进行科学用餐、不挑食偏食等思想教育。


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