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发布时间:2014-04-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1、 What’s your name? My name’s•••.

  2、 Are you •••? Yes, I am. /No, I’m not. Yes, we are. /No, we’re not.

  Are you a new student?

  Are you Amy and Lucy?

  3、 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

  4、 Are they •••? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

  Are they Amy and Lucy?

  5、 Who’s that? That’s my •••.

  Who’s that? That’s my father.

  6、 Is she •••? Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.

  Is she your sister?

  7、 Is he •••? Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.

  Is he your brother?

  8、How old •••?

  How old are you? I’m ten.

  How old is he ? He’s ten.

  How old are they? They’re ten.

  9、What’s the time? It’s four o’clock.

  10、Thanks. /Thank you. Not at all.

  11、These are•••. Those are•••.

  These are trains. Those are planes.

  12、What are these/those? They’re •••.

  What are these? They’re books.

  What are those? They’re pens.

  13、What colour is ••• ? It’s ••• .

  What colour is the plane? It’s blue.

  14、What colour are ••• ? They’re •••.

  What colour are the planes? They’re blue.

  15、Where is ••• ? It’s •••.

  Where is the football? It’s in the box.

  16、Where are ••• ? They’re •••.

  Where are the footballs ? They’re in the box.

  17、 How many •••are there •••? There is•••. / There are •••.

  How many doors are there in the classroom?

  There is a (one ) door in the classroom.

  There are two doors in the classroom..


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