第15课:刻薄的 - 1
A: I can’t believe the landlord threw you out of your house!
B: Yeah. The landlord, in the most arrogant manner, told me to get out in 24 hours.
A: Wow. That is totally inhumane. Where can you go in 24 hours?
B: It was pretty harsh. I don’t know what I’m going to do.
A: 真不敢相信,房东居然把你赶出去了!
B: 是啊。房东极其傲慢地说,让我在24小时内走人。
A: 喔,太残忍了。24小时之内你能去哪儿?
B: 真无情。我不知道该怎么办才好。
arrogant: 傲慢的;专横的。
inhumane: 残忍的;残暴的;无人性的;非人类的。
harsh: 过于苛刻的;令人不悦的;非常严厉的。
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