第18课:慷慨大方的 - 16
A: Bob is such a Good Samaritan, he has such a good heart and is always trying to help people.
B: I know, he has been a do-gooder all his life.
A: I think he was even voted the best community member two years running.
A: Bob真是乐善好施,心地善良,经常帮助人。
B: 他这一生都在做好事。
A: 他已经连续两年被评选为社区里的最佳居民。
good Samaritan: Samaritan是指信奉撒马利亚人宗教的教义者。to be a good Samaritan用来形容某人有好的性格或个性,尤指做对社会有益的事情的人。
have a good heart: 心肠好,对周围的人友善慷慨。
do-gooder: 做好事的人。
running: 连续不断的。
上一篇: 第18课 慷慨大方的 - 8
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