Don't just hit up the big guys不要只关注大型的招聘网站
Big-name websites like Monster and CareerBuilder are wonderful resources for online job hunting, but don't stop there. They charge fees that some smaller companies can't afford or don't believe in paying. Make sure to check out smaller job boards or job board aggregates such as to find more online gigs.大网站的确会为求职者提供更多的工作机会,但也绝对不要忽视小型的求职网站。不能排除有的小公司无法向大网站支付使用费用或者不相信付费网站的服务,所以记得也不要漏掉小型的求职网。
Don't use your company's email to job-hunt不要用在职公司邮箱投递简历(包括注册招聘网站时要使用的邮箱)
Even if your company says it's OK to use their email server to send out resumes, don't do it. You can get in trouble with your existing company, plus it won't look like a move in good taste to the prospective employer if you use your work email. Another setback: If you're contacted in the future and are no longer at your current job, you'll miss the message. Set up one email account with a professional handle (your name, for example) and stick to that.即便是你的公司告诉你可以用公司邮箱投递其他工作的简历,也不要那么干。你可能会在公司遇到麻烦,对求职公司的老板来说,也不会留下好印象。还有一个原因。如果你跳槽离开那个公司了,这个邮件地址则可能会让你错过一些很重要的招聘信息。创建一个专业一些的邮箱吧,然后一直用这个邮箱。
Don't blast off your resume不要到处乱投简历
Blast out your resume, but with some personal attention. Don't just fire it off into the Internet abyss. More importantly, a customized cover letter can go a long way to win over an employer, so be sure to take the time to customize one as best you can.多投简历,但是要带有针对性。不要在网上到处放简历。你的简历应该有针对性、使公司感到是专门为应聘这个特定职位而来。这样才能获得更多面试机会。
Consider your privacy保留一点个人隐私
While you may not want to post your contact information, that's OK for many people who see it as a move from someone who is Internet-savvy. Be sure to check out the privacy settings when posting your resume and do what feels right for you--and for your future career.对于经常使用网络的人来说,不愿过多透露个人联络信息是可以接受的。在网上发简历时记得要查看下隐私设置,然后设定对你和你未来的职业来说比较合适的状态。
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