流利美语随你讲 Lesson11-离别2-查字典英语网
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流利美语随你讲 Lesson11-离别2

发布时间:2014-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

【Dialogue 2】

A: Sue, my bus is being announced. ---1---. Thank you for your kind hospitality.
B: You are welcome. Have a nice trip. Please ---2--- after you get there.
A: I sure will. Thank you. So long.
B: Goodbye and take care.

***** … ***** … ***** … ***** … ***** … *****


·hit the road:上路,出发(多用于陆上交通)。hit 在美国口语中极为活跃,构成了很多生动的短语
hit the bottle
hit the books
hit the ball
hit the deck
hit the headline
hit the right nail on the head
hit a shower

·have a nice trip用于离别是表示祝愿。除此以外还可以说:
Good luck./ All the best./ Take care./ Enjoy yourself./ Enjoy your time there.

A:Look forward to seeing you again.(期待下次再见)
B:Me too.

Drop in again whenever you have time.
It's been lovely to see you again.



英美人想道别时通常会以体态语言来暗示,比如看看表或趁别人话语停顿时起身,然后有礼貌地说:“Well, I'm afraid I must be going now, because I have anothere appointment."或者“I am afraid I have to be leaving( running off) now. So long." 而从来不说 "You must be tired." 或 "I am sorry I took up too much time." 或者 "Sorry to have bothered you."


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