预定会议室 book/ reserve a conference room
A: Jennifer,could you book us a conference room?
B: What time?
A: 1:00 to 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.
B: You are all set.
会议通知 call for meeting =notification of meeting
A: Have you received the call for meeting?
B: Not yet.I thought there would be no meeting today.
日程安排 calendar event =register of events
A: The best way to notify a meeting is to set it up as a calendar event.
B: I know.But people are used to the phone notification or email.
错过会议 miss the meeting
A: Once people get used to the calendar,they will see how convenient it is. They will never miss another meeting.
B: You're right.
会议议程 meeting agenda
A: Kate,has the meeting agenda been printed?
B: Not yet,because I found a problem in it.
修改议程 revise the agenda
A: Yesterday we have talked about the attendance record,but it wasn't mentioned. I was about to ask you about it.
B: Oh yes,we are supposed to discuss that today.We should put it in.I will revise the agenda.
关机 No cell phones =Turn off the cell phones
A: Elsie,remind me to announce a new rule before the meeting.
B: Okay,but what is it?
A: No cell phones.I'm really fed up with people receiving the calls.
这是惯例。It's routine.
A: Tom,do we still have the group meeting before we go?
B: Right,it's routine.
每天都开会。Have a meeting every day.
A: I really want to give a suggestion.Can't we have the meeting every other day? It's really a waste of time to have a meeting every day.
B: A waste of time? Don't we have important issues to discuss every day?
推迟会议 put off/postpone the meeting
A: Martin,I think today's group meeting has to be put off.
B: What's the matter?
A: I heard Tina and Kate went to the headquarter for a meeting.
B: Really.I'm in complete agreement to put off the meeting.
今天开会应该讲讲这个。We should talk about it in today's meeting.
A: Even though we often talk about individu uality,we should pay more attention to teamwork these days. I think we should talk about it in today's meeting.
B: Those are my sentiments exactly.
会议主题 major task of the meeting
A: What's the major task for today's group meeting?
B: To discuss the latest business development.
缺席会议 absent from the meeting
A: I don't think I saw Nancy in today's group meeting.
B: Of course not,she was absent from the meeting.
不点名批评 talk at
A: I heard Shelly was talked at at the meeting.
B: No wonder she looked pale and wan when I saw her coming out of the meeting room.
开会点名call the roll =take attendance =call over the names
A: Do they call the roll at the meeting?
B: Sure,no exception.
临时会议 impromptu meeting
A: How come you have the meeting? There's no such thing in the working plan.
B: It's an impromptu meeting.[ 结 束 ]
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