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发布时间:2014-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

查字典英语口语频道为大家整理的商务英语口语900句:怎样介绍皮包,供大家参考:) 第一句:The handbags are all made of the bestleather. 我们手提包采用最好的皮子。

A: The handbags are all made of the best leatherand come in various kinds and styles in order to meet requirements of all walks of life in your country. 我们的手提包采用最好的皮子,款式各不相同,可以满足贵国各个生活阶层的顾客的需求。 B: En, the sample is rather good. 嗯,样品很不错。 A: Any questions, Mr. White? 怀特先生,还有什么问题吗?

第二句:Our products are 20% cheaper compared with the Japanese ones. 我们的产品比日本的要便宜20%。

A: How about your price? 你们的价格怎么样? B: Our products are 20% cheaper compared with the Japanese ones. 我们的产品比日本的要便宜20%。 A: Oh, so this is more acceptable. 噢,这样更可以接受了。



Owning to its superior quality and reasonableprice, our handbag has met with warm reception and quick sale in European countries. 由于质量上乘、价格合理,我们的手提包在欧洲各国很畅销,货流量很大。

We feel that our product is the best in Asia and we can very well compete against Japan in price. 我们认为我方产品是亚洲最好的,而且我们的价格比起日本商品很有竞争力。


meet 在文中是 满足 的意思

Will there be sufficient stocks to meet our demand? 有足够的存货满足我们的需求吗?

Meet their needs as you would have them meet your needs. 满足他们的需要就像你期望别人满足你的。

Once you determine your sleep needs, you should meet those needs every day. 一旦你决定你的睡眠需求,你应该每天满足那些需求。


1. compare with 与……相比较

eg. How does your bike compare with mine? 你的自行车怎么能和我的自行车相比呢?

eg. How do they compare with our alternatives? 它们和我们的选择如何比较?

eg. No other river on earth can compare with it. “黄河真大呀,世上没有哪条河能和它相比。

2. all walks of life 各行各业;各界人士

eg. The delegation met with people from all walks of life. 代表团接触了各界人士。

eg. This is indeed an important question in all walks of life and in any country. 这的确是一个各行各业以及任何一个国家都存在的重要问题。

eg. In doing so, we must meanwhile ensure that people of all walks of life can enjoy access to the fruits of innovation in medicine, food, information, entertainment, and education. 在这个过程中,我们必须同时保证各行各业人民能够享受医药 药、食品、信息、娱乐和教育发明所带来的成果。[ 结 束 ]


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