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发布时间:2014-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编



A:Would you talk about your merits?

B:Yes, sir. When I was the sales manager of Beijing Friendship Store, I succeeded in raising yearly sales volume by 25% at profit margins of from 50% to 80%.

A:Have you received any honors or rewards?

B:Yes. I got the title of “Advanced Worker” in 1992 and 1994.

A:Do you have any publications?

B:Yes. My book entitled A Preliminary Survey of Controlling Inflation was published by China Finance Publishing House in 1993.


A:You will mainly use English in this job. Do you think you can make yourself understood in English with ease?

B:Yes, I think I speak English quite fluently. Ive often explained historical places in Xian to foreign tourists in English. They say my English is quite good.

A:How long have you been learning English?

B:Oh, more than ten years. I started learning English when I was still in a primary school from a foreign teacher.

A:Well, perhaps thats the reason why you are so fluent in it.

B:Thank you.


A: You've been so hard on John. What's wrong with him?

B: He has given me so much trouble.

A: What kind of trouble?

B: To make a long story short, he's very nosy.

A: 你对约翰太严厉了。他有什么不对吗?

B: 他给我惹了很多麻烦。

A: 什么麻烦?

B: 长话短说,他太好管闲事了。

J: Hello? Can I speak to Mr. Smith?

A: I'm sorry, but he's out now. May I take a message?

J: Yes. This is John Brown. I'd like to meet him next Monday morning around 10 o'clock.

A: Let me check his schedule... Yes, I think he can see you. But could you call again around five to make sure?

J: 喂?能请史密斯先生听电话吗?

A: 抱歉,他现在不在。要我传话吗?

J: 好的。我是约翰布朗。下星期一早上十点左右我想跟他见个面。

A: 我来查查他的时间表... 可以,我想他可以见你。不过,五点左右你可以再打电话来确定一下吗?


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