How’s our new product?
Not bad at all.
直译是“一点也不坏”。at all伴随否定词表示“一点也”、 “完全”。
It’s pretty good. (非常好。)
这里的pretty指“相当”、 “很”。
I’m impressed.
impress “使感动”。
How do you like this?
I really like it.
I love it.
I think it’s really something.
You did a good job this year.
I tried very hard.
good job “干得不错”、 “干得很好”、 “干得很出色”的常用说法。
You did very good work this year.
This year your work was very good.
生意兴旺, 真是太好了。
Sales are way up!
So business is booming. That’s great.
(生意兴旺, 真是太好了。)
boom “景气”、 “繁荣”。
I’m happy your business is booming.
It’s wonderful that your business is doing so well.
He helped me a lot.
I hope you showed him your appreciation.
show “出示”、“表示”。appreciation “感谢”。
He did so many things for me.
He assisted me in many ways.
assist “帮助”、 “帮忙”。
He has an edge experiencewise.
Then please hire him.
have an edge “稍胜一筹”。“wise”有“关于……”的含义, 所以experiencewise指“从经验上看”。
hire “雇用”。
His experience gives him an edge.
He has more experience than most.
most “大多数的人”。
Your boss is very understanding.
I think so, too.
understanding “能谅解的”、 “有理解力的”。
Your boss is fairly understanding.
fairly “相当”、 “很”。
Your boss is pretty understanding.
这里的pretty是副词, 表示“相当”、 “很”。
上一篇: 职场英语百科:对工作的不满(3)
下一篇: 职场英语百科:对公司或他人的不满(2)
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