You work much too hard.
No rest for the wicked.
rest “休息”。wicked “不正当的”、 “坏心眼的”。“No rest for the wicked.”是谚语,意思是“坏人无宁
No peace for the wicked.
peace “和平”。
No rest for the weary.
weary “筋疲力尽的”。
I’ve been on the go all day long.
Let’s go have a drink and relax.
I’ve是I have的缩写。on the go 指“不断地活动”、 “工作一个接一个”。all day long指“一整天”。
I’ve been running around all day.
run around “到处跑”。
I haven’t had a break all day.
I’m doing mindless work all day.
You need to find a better job.
mindless work直译是“不用动脑子的工作”。
I’m doing boring work all day.
My job is boring.
My work doesn’t require much thought.
I have to do paperwork all day.
Must be a drag.
paperwork “案头工作”、 “整理文件的工作”。
drag “无聊的事情”。
I do nothing but paperwork all day.
My job consists of paperwork only.
consist of ... “包括……”。
Why can’t you find anything?
My desk is disorganized.
disorganize意思是“使混乱”, 这里表示的是“乱七八糟”的意思。
My desk is a mess.
My desk is a disaster.
Why haven’t you finished your work?
I’ve been too busy socializing.
表示一种状态一直持续下去没有变化。socialize 是动词,指“从事社交活动”、 “交际”。
I’ve spent too much time socializing.
I’ve been socializing too much.
How’s the new job?
It’s really stressful.
stressful “紧张的”、 “压力大的”。
It’s really nerve-racking.
It’s high stress.
上一篇: 职场口语一学就会:邀请(5)
下一篇: 职场英语百科:关于健康的话题(2)