职场英语:bore someone to death 使某人烦得要死-查字典英语网
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职场英语:bore someone to death 使某人烦得要死

发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

职场英语流行美语对话:bore someone to death 使某人烦得要死

动词bore的意思是"使厌烦".Bore someone to death的意思就是"把某人烦得要死".例如:That guy bores me to death. He never stops taking about his past history. (哪个家伙让我烦得要死。他总滔滔不绝地讲他的过去。)

A: Everyone knows the feeling of working with such a dreadful boss. 人人都知道和这样一个可怕的老板一起工作会是一种什么心情。

B: I hate to work in the company now. It bores me to death. 我现在真恨在这个公司里工作。它真让我烦透了。

A: Are you thinking of jumping ship? 你考虑过跳槽吗?

B: I asked several friends to keep an eye on a job vacancy. But I haven't got one yet. Jobs are scarce, you know. 我请了几个朋友帮忙注意一下,看看有没有空缺的职位。但现在还没有找到。你知道现在工作很难找。



as pale as death 死人一样苍白

die a hero's death 壮烈牺牲

black death 黑死病

civil death 褫夺公权

the death of one's hope 希望的破灭

death was in the air. 杀气冲天

as sure as death 必定,的确

be at death's door 将死

be death on 〔俚语〕 1. 善于,是…的能手

2. 极爱

3. 极恨,极反对 (he's death on curves. 他善于投转弯的球

he is death on brandy. 他极爱喝白兰地

the publisher is death on sloppily typed manuscripts. 出版商极反对打字不清的原稿)

be in at the death 1. (猎狗)看到猎获物已死

2. 看到事情的结果

be the death of 〔口语〕成为…致死的原因,要了…的命;逼得…苦死;把人笑死〔指笑话〕

be worse than death 坏极了

death! 要死啦!糟糕!不得了啦! hang [hold] on like grim death 死不放手

put to death 处死刑,杀死 (= 〔古语〕 do to death)

to death 到极点,已极,…死了(tired to death 疲倦死了)

to the death 至死,到底(fight to the death 战斗到底)


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