职场英语:book off 宣称某日不打算上班-查字典英语网
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职场英语:book off 宣称某日不打算上班

发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

职场英语流行美语对话:book off (尤指因与雇主未达协议)宣称某日不打算上班


A: Is your factory still in trouble? 你们工厂是否还有麻烦?

B: Yeah. The unions declare that they will book off on May Day if the management doesn't accept their requirements. 是的。工会声称如果资方不满足他们的要求,他们劳动节那天就不上班。

A: What's the management's attitude? 那资方是什么态度?

B: They won't compromise either. 他们也不愿让步。



book of time 历史

book of reference 参考书

examine the books 查账

an account book 账本

an exercise book 练习本

the petrified tree was a book of nature. 树木化石是大自然的历史记录

a sealed book 天书;高深莫测的事

according to an open book 人所共知的事物

at one's books 读书用功

be written in the book of life 【宗教】列入死后获救者名单

bring (sb.) to book 1. 诘问,盘问 2. 法办,判罪

by (the) book 1. 正式地;有根据地,正确地 2. 照章办事地;按照惯例

close the books 1. 【会】结账,决算 2. 结束,终止

come to the book 〔英口〕宣誓能做陪审员

do [get] the book 〔美国〕受最大处罚

enter in the books 把…记入账内

hit the [one's] books 〔美国〕用功

hold book 【戏剧】做提词人

in one's book 根据自己的判断

in sb.'s bad [good] books 失[得]宠于某人,给某人留下不好[良好]的印象

keep books 上账,记账

kiss the book 吻《圣经》宣誓

know like a book 熟手,通晓

like a book 1. 一板一眼地,精确地

2. 正确地,彻底地

make book 1. 打赌;(赛马等)接受不同数目的赌注

2. 以接受打赌为业 (make book on it that ... 就…打赌)

off the books 除名,退会

on the books 列名簿上,做会员

one for the books 〔口语〕意外事,惊人事

set books 指定的备考书

read sb. like a book 对某人的心思完全了解,看透某人

shut the books 停止交易[来往]

speak like a [by the] book 确切地说话

suit sb.'s book 适合某人目的,合某人意的;对某人方便的

take a leaf out of another's book 仿效别人行动,学某人的样子,效颦

take kindly to one's books 好学

the book of books 《圣经》

the devil's book(s) 纸牌

throw the book at 〔俚语〕重罚,严罚

without book 1. 无根据,任意,随意(乱说等) 2. 默诵,默记


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