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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


English at Work Episode 37: Rachel the rabbit!
BBC白领工作英语第 37 集:同事Rachel,和难相处的同事工作

Narrator: 大家好。 这又是 Tip Top Trading 公司的一天。

Denise: (On phone) And I said no John, not at my age, I'd rather take the bus…

Tom: (On phone) Yeah Pete, that's great, so we'll deliver 2,000 bananas by Friday. Let's have a beer soon… yeah… cheers mate. Narrator: 可是这里有两名工作人员在办公室里斗上了,谁都不肯让步。

Anna: So you did what? You ordered the second-hand ones?!

Rachel: Chillax Hannah…

Anna: Anna!

Rachel: They're just oranges…

Anna: Plastic lemons actually.

Narrator: Anna 觉得和 Rachael 一起工作很不容易,Rachael 可是顶头大老板 Socrates 先 生的热门销售经理。把她派到 Tip Top 公司是来帮忙促进销售的,可是看起来起的却 是反作用。

Rachel: Look, I'm off for a cappuccino, everything will be fine. Ciao.

Tom: Anna, has Rachel gone out?

Anna: Yes.

Tom: Phew. She's a bit of a man-eater. She almost ate me once.

Anna: She eats men?

Tom: Well, not exactly. I worked with her in my last job. She was always listening in to other people's conversations and she's always changing jobs. That's why they call her Rachel Rabbit – you know, big ears, always jumping from one job to another.

Anna: Rachel Rabbit! That's funny. So, she isn't that good then?

Tom: Oh, useless! She only worked for Mr Socrates because her father threatened to sue the company, after one of our plastic pineapples fell off a shelf and broke his toe. But, err… better keep that under your hat.

Anna: My hat?

Tom: I mean, keep it a secret.

Anna: Oh, right, I see. Well, now, she's ordered loads of second-hand oranges to send to our new customer in France.

Tom: But they wanted Imperial Lemons.

Anna: I know. I'm not sure what to do, so I'm going to have to speak to Paul about this. Narrator: 对了,有时候碰到难题的时候,得向上级汇报,请求指导。告诉 Paul, 你觉得 Rachel 做出的决定会直接影响到公司的业务 I'm concerned that she's made a mistake that might affect the business. 你也可以说 Rachel 没有起到她的作用或者是没有 做她该做的工作。She's not pulling her weight. 还有你也可以告诉上司你很难和这 个同事一起工作。I'm finding it very difficult to work with her.

Anna: Right. I'll try. There's Paul now… Paul could I have a word please?

Paul: Of course, Anna. Let's go in my office. Now, how can I help?

Anna: Err, well, it's Rachel.

Paul: Yes, amazing woman. Mr Socrates' favourite…

Anna: I know… but I'm finding it difficult to work with her.

Paul: Oh why's that?

Anna: I'm a bit concerned that she's made a mistake and it might affect our business.

Paul: Golly gosh. Really?! Why's that?

Anna: Well, she's ordered second-hand oranges for our new client in France.

Paul: That's marvellous… isn't it?

Anna: Well, I asked her not to. They wanted lemons… new Imperial Lemons.

Paul: Ah… not so marvellous. Anything else?

Anna: Well, speaking personally, I don't think she's pulling her weight. She doesn't seem to do any work and just keeps going out to buy cappuccinos.

Paul: Well, that's just not on. Look Anna, I will look in to this straight away and see if I can sort this out. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Now, I think you've earned a custard cream.

Narrator: Anna 向老板 Paul 汇报了她的担忧。现在 Paul 可以决定是否要做进一步的调查。如 果你在工作中碰到难相处的同事,也觉得自己不能解决同事之间的问题, 那么报告上 司是应该的,你可以用到以下的一些表达: I'm concerned that she's made a mistake that might affect the business. She's not pulling her weight. I'm finding it very difficult to work with her.

Narrator: 不知道 Paul 会怎么处理这件事情。

Paul: There you are Rachel. Nice cappuccino? Could you step in to my office for a moment, I'd like a word.

Rachel: Ya, sure. Denise: Ooh, I wonder what that's all about. Do you know Anna?

Anna: No idea.

Tom: She's probably going to get a promotion and a pay rise… and a custard cream!

Rachel: (False laughing) Thanks Paul, ciao. What a great guy he is. Such a great sense of humour! Looks like we're doing some good work Anna!

Anna: Wwwhat?

Narrator: Oh Anna. 我看 Paul 没怎么处理你提出的问题。不过别着急,我们慢慢来。好了,今 天的白领英语就到这儿,我们下次节目再见!

Listening Challenge 听力挑战 Tom 是怎么向 Anna 描绘 Rachel 的? 答案:Tom 说她是个食人者,比喻她能让男人都听她的话。


I'm concerned that she's made a mistake that might affect the business. 我觉得她做出的决定会直接影响到公司的业务。

She's not pulling her weight. 她没有起到她的作用。

I'm finding it very difficult to work with her. 我觉得很难和她相处,一起工作。


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