如今工作真是越来越辛苦,想想当初在面试时拼个你死我活,好容易杀出条血路“卖身”成功,可等待着的不过是更加昏天黑地的职场生涯。看看,富士康都已经“八连跳”了。小编有个朋友,近期的QQ签名一直都是"Live to work." 是啊,工作为了生活,生活就是工作,何等悲壮!那么,今天我们就来跟大家说些有关工作的实用表达吧。
I got sacked。
You have been demoted。
I heard that five people are going be laid off next month。
I am only a regular 9-to-5er。
I have to wear a suit to work。
My working hours are not fixed。
We go off shift at six in the evening。
What are you up to?
In the middle of something?
I'm up to my neck in work。
Today is terrible. It's been one thing after another。
Really busy! I had to work right through my lunch break。
I have to work very long hours。
I have to take work home with me。
I refuse to work overtime during the weekend。
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