扭转 turn around / overturn
to turn around (扭转),同义字是overturn,意思是「颠覆;推翻」
反义字是 backup (支持)
to stick to one's gun就是「坚守立场」
Managing Director是「常务董事;总经理」
「扭转」就是 "turn around",用在句子里:
例 1) She turned public opinion around by sticking to her gun.
解释:"stick to one's gun" 就是「坚守立场」。
"turn around"的同义词是 "overturn",意思是「颠覆;推翻」,用在句子里:
例 2) The new Managing Director overturned many decisions made by his predecessor.
解释:“Managing Director”是「常务董事;总经理」。"Managing Director" 这两个字的第一个字母为何都是大写呢?这是因为”Managing Director”(总经理)是一个头衔。在英文文法中,我们会习惯性的把头衔称呼的第一个字母用大写的方式来表达,以示尊重。最后 "predecessor" 是「前任」的意思。
"turn around" (扭转)的反义词是"back up",意思就是「支持」。将 "back up"用在句子里:
例 3) The accused murderer backed up his plea to innocence with an alibi.
上一篇: 职场英语学习:提心吊胆的等词的口语表达
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