BBCEnglish at Work Episode 18: The email Language to use in an email
Narrator: 大家好,Anna 刚到她的办公桌前。Paul 朝她走来,还吃着饼干。他的眉头怎么是皱 起来的呢?
Paul: Anna?
Anna: Yes, Paul.
Paul: Come and have a biscuit in my office. Now Anna, about Mr Lime.
Anna: I didn't say yes!
Paul: Pardon? Yes to what?
Anna: Oh, nothing.
Paul: You sent him an email yesterday and copied me in.
Anna: Yes.
Paul: Your email reads: boxes ok. pls c -d-u cfirm wnt 300 ta.
Anna: Yes: please could you confirm you want 300.
Paul: Right. Now that's not really the best way of writing an email to a client , is it?
Anna: Oh.
Paul: Please could you re-send your message to Mr Lime, using actual words that make sense.
Anna: Okay.
Paul: Thank you. Have a chocolate crunchy!
Anna: Thanks. (door opens and closes)
Tom: Morning Anna.
Anna: Hello.
Tom: Let me guess, Paul just spoke to you about your email?
Anna: How do you know?
Tom: You copied me in remember, I just read it – or tried to.
Anna: But what's the problem? Other people write like that!
Tom: No, maybe some people write text messages like that on their phones, but that's completely the wrong style for an email to a client.
Narrator: Anna 别听 Tom 瞎说了,浪费时间。写商务电子邮件的时候你可能会用到以下短语:
尊敬的 Lime 先生...Dear Mr Lime...
希望您最近还好. I hope you are well.
我写信给您是有关… I am writing regarding...
请您确认... Please could you confirm...
您真诚的. Yours sincerely.
OR 或者最美好的祝福. Best wishes.
Anna: Thank you! I'll rewrite my message. There! I'd better get it checked before I send. Denise?
Denise: (on the phone) yes... the other problem with Stephanie is that her legs are just too long...
Anna: Oh, she's on the phone.
Denise: ... yes, like pylons...
Anna: I'll have to ask Tom. Tom?
Tom: Mm?
Anna: Could you read this through before I send it?
Tom: Hang on, let me just finish this sentence. It’s really important. Okay, I’m ready, let’s have a look. (Reading) Dear Mr Lime, I hope you are well. I am writing regarding your request for luxury boxes for the Imperial Lemon Delivery. We will indeed be able to supply them. Please could you confirm that you want 300. Best wishes, Anna.
Anna: Well?
Tom: Good, that's much better. Send it. Hopefully Mr Lime will think your last message was just someone sitting on your keyboard by mistake.
Anna: Thanks.
Tom: You're not...
Anna: What?
Tom: Nothing. It's none of my business.
Anna: What?
Tom: You're not ever going to go to lunch with Mr Lime are you? I mean, in a non-business way...
Anna: No of course not!
Tom: No. I mean I don’t care…but… it's just... important to... stay professional.
Anna: Yes.
Narrator: Hmmm, 我就知道 Anna 的邮件会出问题。不过至少现在她不会再犯这个错误了。 来,让我们再复习一下 Anna 在修改过的邮件中用到的一些短语。
Dear Mr Lime...
I hope you are well.
I am writing regarding...
Please could you confirm...
Best wishes. 我们下次节目再会!
听 力 挑 战
问题:Anna 在邮件里想确认些什么?
答案:她的公司可以提供 300 个豪华包装盒。