Shirley:Come on, you are left behind! 加油啊,你落后了!
Benjamin: Wow, I can't catch my breath. You are running too fast, honey. 哇哦,我快喘不过气了。 你跑得太快了,亲爱的。
Shirley: You just need more exercise. 你得多运动了。
Benjamin: Yes, but you need to slow down. This is jogging, not racing! 是啊,但是你也得跑慢点 啊。这是慢跑,不是赛跑!
Shirley: I don't care. I want to burn up my fat. 我不管,我要减掉我的脂肪。
Benjamin: But running so fast is not good for people over forties. 但跑这么快不适合过40的 人啊!
Shirley: Why? 为什么? Benjamin: We are not as athletic as we were when young. Mild exercise is more suitable for us. 我们没有像年轻时候那样 有活力了。中等强度的运动更适合我们。 Shirley: But I want to burn up more calories! 但我想燃烧掉更多的卡路里!
Benjamin: In fact, in order to burn up your fat, you must take it slowly for a longer time. 事实上,要减肥,你就得 慢慢地跑很长一段时间。
Shirley: Really? I will slow down then. 真的吗?那我就慢点跑。
Benjamin: That's right, honey. Oh, you don't need to be as slow as a tortoise. 对啦,亲爱的。喔,你也 不必慢得跟乌龟一样。
Shirley: I don't care. 我不管。