I meet many would-be entrepreneurs who complain that theyhave not started a business. They fire blame for their lack ofprogress in all sorts of directions – at banks, venture capitalists, taxes, regulations, competitors and so on. But in most cases, the true reasons for our failures lie within us: these demons arewhat I call The Enemies of Achievement. Here is my list of topexcuses:
It is amazing how reliable we can be at putting off something difficult but worthwhile. We findendless excuses as to why now is never quite the moment to address the issues that really matter. As the shaving products tycoon Victor Kiam said, delay is “opportunity’s assassin”. And while wedither, others charge ahead and reap the rewards.
令人非常惊奇的是,我们如此不可救药地拖延一些困难但却很有价值的事。我们会找到各种各样的借口,来证明当下永远不是解决重要问题的好时机。正如剃须产品巨头维克托 基亚姆(Victor Kiam)所说,拖延是“机会的刺客”。我们在犹豫的时候,其他人就已经抢先一步并获得了硕果。
A modicum of success can be corrupting. It allows us to become lazy and self-satisfied, and forgetthose who helped us do well. Abstemious habits can wither, while delusions of grandeur replacethem. All this undermines the basis of any initial progress. It is vital to keep industrious and one’seyes on the ultimate prize.
It is impossible to create a serious concern without giving directions in a resolute manner. Ahesitant and vacillating personality inspires no one. The uncertainty of the US government’s fiscalcliff negotiations frightened the world.
As Abraham Lincoln said: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loseour freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” The same applies to individuals.
亚伯拉罕 林肯(Abraham Lincoln)曾经说过:“美国从来不会被外部打败。如果我们踌躇并失去自由的话,肯定是因为我们被自己打败了。”这句话同样适用于个人。
While a sense of urgency is a valuable trait, this should not mutate into a lack of persistence. Plenty do not reach the heights because they give up too easily. Most of the best projects I haveever carried out have taken twice as long and been much more difficult than expected. But in theend they were worth it.
Lack of focus.
In the 21st century, it is easier than ever before to lose concentration. But true victory only comesto those who seize upon a mission and pursue it in a single-minded fashion. The easily distractedtend to fall by the wayside.
There are always a thousand justifications as to why running a business is a bad idea; but they aremostly just excuses. Cynics and negative thinkers never change the world, and have always beenwrong in the long run. To do something bold requires a positive spirit and a sense that luck is onyour side. It is a curious fact that if you adopt that attitude, then the tide will often turn for you.
A little fear can be a powerful catalyst for action – but too much risk aversion means a life ofdisappointment and lost chances.
As Macbeth said: “Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.”
Being too comfortable.
entrepreneurship demands long hours, constant striving, and an imperfect work/life balance. Pleasure seekers who lack the necessary grit and stamina for the long haul, and are unwilling tomake personal sacrifices for their careers, are unlikely to have what it takes to make the grade.
I suffer regular attacks from most of these evils myself, and need to constantly fight against theirdepredations to get anything done. But from experience I know they can be defeated even if onlytemporarily. The single great weapon we all possess is willpower – it is a question of how much self-discipline we choose to exercise.
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