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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Yahoo sets the trend with home work ban

“Yahoos,” begins the memo to staff. “From Sunnyvale to Santa Monica, Bangalore to Beijing – I think we can all feel the energy and buzz.”


They have a great time at Yahoo (or Yahoo!, as they call it). As the memo says, the company is “productive, efficient and fun”. And “to become the absolute best place to work, communication and collaboration will be important, so we need to be working side-by-side”.


Here’s how. “Beginning in June, we’re asking all employees with work-from-home arrangements to work in Yahoo! offices. If this impacts you, your management has already been in touch.”


Not everyone is happy. That is why the memo was leaked, in spite of being headed “proprietary and confidential information”. Some claim it will make recruitment harder. Others point out that it is odd for Yahoo, which aims to “keep people connected . . . across devices and around the world”, to say employees can’t communicate effectively unless they are physically present. If everyone took that view, wouldn’t Yahoo be out of business?


Marissa Mayer, recruited from Google to be Yahoo’s chief executive, is no fool. If she can see the value in such a boldly counter-intuitive move, how long before other go-ahead companies follow?

雅虎从谷歌(Google)挖过来担任其首席执行官的梅里莎•梅尔(Marissa Mayer)不是个傻瓜。如果梅尔认为这项违反直觉的大胆举措自有其价值,那么其他人难道不会很快效仿吗?



Fordies, From Dearborn to Dagenham, Nairobi to Nazareth – we’ve all got our foot on the gas. And to make Ford! the absolute best place to build cars, we all have to be at work on time. We’ve been listening to colleagues about those annoying things that make you late, and the message is coming through loud and clear: the early morning traffic is terrible!


Punctuality is not our only goal. The spaces between assembly lines are becoming crowded. We’ve looked into this. Some members of our great skills teams have experienced lateral expansion. It’s often hard for two co-workers to squeeze past each other.


Beginning in June, we’re closing the employee car parks. Biking to work not only means you can whizz past those drivers stewing in their cars. It will also make our co-workers Fit for Ford!



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