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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Over lunch with her boss, Kathy Uhl was given everything that she‘d been working toward career-wise at her Orlando-based cable company. She got a bigger staff, more responsibility and a generous increase in salary and bonuses. But she wasn’t sure she wanted to become vice president of human resources for the entire state of Florida.
西?尤尔(Kathy Uhl)在一家总部位于奥兰多(Orlando)的有线电视公司工作,在一次与老板共进午餐时,尤尔被授予了之前她为之努力打拼的一切──她将拥有更多的员工,担负起更大的责任,并能收获丰厚的加薪和奖金。但她却并不确定,自己是否真的想成为主管整个佛罗里达州业务的人力资源副总裁。
‘It was a great job and I liked the company and people. The thing is that my life felt out of balance at the time. I’d been focused on my career for a while and missed my family back in Denver, ‘ says Ms. Uhl, who then consulted with a career coach who helped her decide what was most important to her.
She ended up turning down the promotion and moving back to Colorado, where she is now vice president at a public service credit union that is five miles from her home. Although she makes less money now, she has evenings and weekends free to spend with her sons.
For many career-minded executives, a promotion is well-deserved recognition of their hard work and accomplishments. But there are as many reasons to turn down a promotion as there are to take it, say job experts who recommend that employees look beyond just money and status.
Poor work-life balance, for example, can lead to early burnout and unhappiness, says John McKee, an executive coach in Los Angeles. ’Will you be working 60-hour weeks and traveling during the holidays? Is the job beyond your talent level, which could end up being a march toward failure? Or maybe it‘s a good move at this stage of your life. These are all things to consider.’
洛杉矶的高管培训师约翰?麦基(John McKee)称,工作和家庭平衡不好可能会造成年纪轻轻便劳累过度、产生不幸福感。他说:“你会在一周工作60个小时的情况下在节假日出去旅行吗?这份工作是否超出了你的能力所限、并最终把你引向失败?或者说,它是你人生这个阶段的一步好棋。这些问题都需要好好考虑。”
To be sure, turning down a promotion can be risky. It all depends on the employee and the company, says Miriam Salpeter, founder of Keppie Careers, a Atlanta-based coaching and consulting firm.
亚特兰大培训和咨询公司Keppie Careers的创始人米丽娅姆?萨尔皮特(Miriam Salpeter)说,拒绝升职机会肯定是有风险的,但这要取决于员工本身和他(她)所任职的公司的情况。
‘If the company has been grooming you for that next job with resources and training and you say no, that could be a career killer [at that company]. If you’re working for a company that‘s not work-life balance oriented and you want to achieve more work-life balance, that’s probably not going to work either, ‘ says Ms. Salpeter.
Companies may also expand your job and call it a promotion, which means that your time will be short unless you step up to accept the new responsibilities or reconsider whether you’re working at the right place.

You need to present a good case on what you can offer the company by staying put while also recognizing and addressing why your boss is making the offer. Perhaps your boss is rewarding your hard work by offering a job that will detour you from where you really want to go in the company.
Be clear about what you want to do at the company and how those future goals match up with company needs. You could suggest changes to your old job or offer to help with the transition of finding somebody else to fill the new job.
It also helps to have a long-term plan that takes into account your personal life, professional life and your finances.
Create a three-column list that outlines what‘s most important to you and use that guide when you have to have that discussion about why the timing isn’t right, says Mr. McKee. ‘It’s hard to argue with wanting to spend more time with the family because your wife is about to leave you or needing to take care of an ailing parent.‘
Turning down a promotion doesn‘t necessarily mean that you’ve killed your chances of moving up at that company. Your boss may not be happy at that moment, but you may be able to advance down the line, says Mr. McKee.
He recommends that employees make an effort to demonstrate that they are still committed to their old job and working toward growing into a bigger role at a later time.
Address any shortcomings that need work with a mentorship, college coursework or certifications and make sure that your boss and human-resources department know that you‘re pursuing professional development as a way to grow into a bigger role at a later time.


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