新型雇佣方式zero hours contract 零时工-查字典英语网
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新型雇佣方式zero hours contract 零时工

发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

有这样一种雇佣方式,老板有任务给你时,你才开工,需随叫随到,工作多少就拿多少报酬,没有工作任务的时候就没有工资,自然也没有所谓的病假和年假。这种雇佣方式就叫zero hours contract(零时工合同)。

The concept of a zero hours contract (also sometimes zero hour contract) is effectively a situation which allows employers to hire staff but give them no guarantee of work. Such contracts mean that employees only work as and when required, so that they are effectively 'on call' to work at short notice, and only receive pay for the hours they work. Some zero hours contracts make it compulsory for workers to accept the working hours they're offered, and others allow the employee to decide, but most contracts of this type don't offer sick or holiday pay, and deny rights such as redundancy payments and pensions.
Zero hours contract(有时也写作zero hour contract)指雇主雇佣员工却不保证给其安排工作的合同情形,我们称之为“零时工合同”。签订这种合同就意味着,员工只在有工作要求时干活,需随叫随到,做多少工作拿多少报酬。有些“零时工合同”要求员工必须接受雇主提出的工作时间要求,有些会让员工考虑后做决定;不过,大部分“零时工合同”都不包括带薪病假或休假,也没有裁员津贴或养老金。
Predictably, the use of such contracts is controversial, not least because they give no guarantee of work, yet often deny the opportunity to seek employment elsewhere – some zero hours contracts oblige workers to seek permission before they can take on other jobs. The contracts have been criticized for not offering a basic level of financial security, many workers not being given enough hours and not having the same employment rights as those on traditional contracts. With no guaranteed income, employees on zero hours contracts sometimes find it difficult to get mortgages and other forms of credit. (Source: macmillandictionary.com)


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