To most people, free massages at the office and unlimited servings of gourmet food would help turn a workplace into a mini oasis.
But to a growing number of former Google employees, the company's well-publicized perks are not enough to keep them happy at their jobs and now they've taken to the internet to complain about the noisy massage chairs in the nap rooms and overly enthusiastic corporate following.
‘It sounds like a first-world problem. But their food. I put on 18 kilos while working at Google,’ one anonymous blogger who used to work out of the company wrote on the Quora thread.
‘But they also provided access to great gym within the office. One of my colleagues lost 20-30 kilos while I was there. But with so much food around, it was hard to resist and soon I realized that I was eating whenever I was bored or thinking.’
Another contributor who identified himself as Ryan Lackey wrote that staffers regularly gained '5-15 pounds from the (copious, good, free) food.'
Some of the perks that draw people in can become their own issues within the office as well, as one post talks about the drama that erupted over noisy massage chairs in a office.
The company's reputation helps to attract some of the brightest minds in the business, but the virtual dissenters say that those skilled workers are part of the problem.
‘The worst part of working for Google is thepeople. In order to get in to work at Google you have to be the kind of person who "whoops" when your CEO comes in the conference room. And screams with excitement when they announce "We've introduced...searching by pictures!!!" as a new product,’ a person with the username Bradley Peel wrote.
一个用户名为布拉德·皮尔的人在网上写道:“在谷歌就职最大的问题就是那里的人。如果你看到首席执行官走进会议室时能够只轻描淡写的招呼一声,听到高层宣布‘我们引进了……按图片搜索!’ 时能够激动的尖叫,那样你就能在谷歌工作了。”
Another contributor, who claims to have used his real name in the post and worked at Google for more than three years, says that pride is a sticking point that prevents an open flow of ideas.'I think the average level of Google engineers is mediocre. With a lot of arrogance, too. Everybody believes he (males dominate) is better than his neighbor,' Vlad Patryshev wrote.
'Objective discussions are pretty rare, since everybody's territorial, and not interested in opinions of other people unless those people are Important Gods.'
All of these issues have not had enough of an impact to lessen the so-called Google mystique, as more than a million candidates apply to work at the company every year with a hiring rate of less than one per cent.
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