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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

我们都有梦想,但是我们中的大多数人都要等到一些事情准备好了以后才会去愿意追求这些梦想。我们讲:”我会在退休后再去进行那样的旅行“或者"当我们买掉了这家公司再来给你买那份礼物”…… 每一个人身上都有一部分是“等待者”,祈祷着要生活去降临,而不是去冒险。

There's a famous line in the movie Field of Dreams: "If you build it, they will come." This was a message from the baseball gods to Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) telling him to build a field in the middle of the Iowa cornfields. To most, it would seem like a waste of time and money, but to Ray Kinsella, it was a crazy dream by which he hoped to support his family. And sure enough, Kinsella’s baseball field became a spectacle attracting paying crowds from far and wide.

We all have dreams, but most of us wait until a few things kick into gear before we're willing to pursue them. We say, "I'll take that trip when I retire" or "I'll buy you that gift when we sell the company" or "I'll make love to you tomorrow when I have more energy." There is a part of every human that is a "waiter," praying for life to happen instead of taking a risk. "Waiters" believe in "coincidence" and hope for a big break and some spooky luck.

And there is a part of every human that is a "gambler." Gamblers believe in consequence more than coincidence. They pray to a god more likely to say "hang loose" than "bless your heart."

Take the example of filmmaker/gambler Fernando Kalife and his movie 7 Dias. Written and directed by Kalife, this movie is about one man's dream to bring U2 to Monterrey, Mexico, in an attempt to make good on a mob debt by bringing the mob boss's son's favorite band to their town.

The movie's director/writer Kalife went so far as to raise money and shoot the film…without having contacted U2. So he had no clue whether they’d agree to offer him rights to use their music and concert footage. We’re talkin' major roll of the dice. But Kalife was raised by a father who always told him: "You make a good product. The rest will happen by consequence."

If you compare Kalife to a surfer, he'd have a big-wave bravado. And ride the wave he did. In March 2005, U2's Bono was on his way to Cabo San Lucas when his plane was diverted to Acapulco. Once in town, Bono spent time with his friend Jaime Camil, whose son jumped on the opportunity to tell Bono about 7 Dias. Bono was intrigued and agreed to view the movie. He loved it and the rest is history. The low-budget, independent film 7 Dias, starring none other than U2, is now in movie theaters.

So what can you learn from Fernando Kalife? It’s probably not smart to bet the farm on landing the world’s biggest band in your small town. But a little big-wave bravado can be good. This doesn't mean do something stupid. It just means don't wait for tomorrow to live for today.

Here are three tips on how you can build your own field of dreams:

1. Define Freedom 定义自由

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head.” -U2, "Miracle Drug"

It's common to get caught up building somebody else's field of dreams. Know how you define freedom. Is it sleeping late, making love, eating the very bottom of a Drumstick ice cream treat? Take the time to get to the bottom of life and understand the very specific (if not quirky) things that make you feel happy and free.

2. Define Risk 定义风险

"I don't want to come to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." -Diane Ackerman

For some people, risk is riding a 25-foot wave. For others, risk is eating spicy horseradish. In both cases, risk is an important ingredient that seasons life with a little kick. Risk roots you into the soul and opens space in the present moment. Determine what is a comfortable risk that will not endanger your life or freak out your loved ones. And then go for it!

3. Define Stupid 定义愚蠢

“There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.” John F. Kenned

There are lots of crazy people out there. So encouraging risk is a dangerous proposition. Playing it safe comes with rewards. You’re not likely to go broke. You’re not as likely to alienate your family. You’re much more stable. Risk is not something that should destroy your life so much as it should mix up your routines, spark your imagination, and ignite your spirit.


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