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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Taking calculated risks in your career can help you reach your goals. Below are some of the common career risks that you may grapple with, and how to weigh your options.


RISK: Going Back to School 重返学校

Making the financial and time commitment to go back to school for an advanced degree or certification can feel overwhelming. Factoring into the equation family responsibilities or not being able to quit your job to focus on school can make furthering your education feel like a heavier burden.


Weighing your options: 权衡选择:

"First you need to know your end goal and what you are trying to achieve by going back to school, such as a raise or changing career paths," advises career coach Hallie Crawford. "Next, determine if going back to school helps you achieve this goal by talking to your boss and mentors. In some fields an advanced degree matters, in others it really doesn't."

职业教练Hallie Crawford说:“首先,你得清楚自己最终的目标是什么、重返学校是为了什么,比如晋升还是改行。然后,和老板或导师谈谈重返学校能不能帮你实现这个目标再作决定。对有些行业来说高学历是重要的,另外一些则不然。”

RISK: Changing Careers 换工作

So many people hate their jobs yet toil away daily because sticking with the familiar feels safe. There are a number of reasons why people are unhappy on the job, including being in a profession that does not utilize their passions and interests.


Weighing your options: 权衡选择:

With increased company layoffs, no one is immune to losing a job. Finding work that you love should be a priority in your career. Mitigate the risk of career change by doing research before you make the leap so that you'll know what to expect from your new career in terms of salary ranges, and what the work is really like.


"There's always some amount of risk, but if you are truly unhappy the risk is worth it," says Crawford.


RISK: Saying 'No' to Added Responsibility 对更多工作说“不”

If your boss is saddling you with more responsibility with a project or promotion, be sure you understand exactly what that will mean for your success. Not all promotions are created equal, and you can quickly become the office doormat if you constantly take on projects that may not have high enough visibility to move your career forward.


Weighing your options: 权衡选择:

Saying no to more money or recognition is often hard to justify. Your friends, family, and colleagues may think you're crazy for passing up a promotion. But you have to follow your gut instincts. In weighing your options, ask yourself if this project or promotion will really move your forward.


RISK: Starting a Business 自己创业

More people are going into business for themselves than ever before. Many dream of being their own boss but find the risk of giving up a regular paycheck, health insurance, and retirement accounts too high.


Weighing your options: 权衡选择:

Do your research (including health care options), save money, and build contacts in your industry while you're still working in your current job.


"Business ownership is a risk and it's not for the faint of heart," says business coach Dresdene Flynn-White. "However, the risks can be mitigated by financial and mental preparation. If someone wants to learn about business ownership, they should work part time in a small business to get that reality check."

创业教练Dresdene Flynn-White说:“办公司是有风险的,这可不是胆小者的游戏。不过在资金和心理上做好准备可以减低风险。如果想学习如何创业,可以在一家小企业做兼职,了解一下真实的工作情况。”


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