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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Completing a 26-mile marathon race shares some characteristics with a successful job search. 跑完26英里的马拉松赛跑和成功找到工作有一些相似之处。

There is one "winner" who crosses the finish line first. There are the many who quit before they've completed the race. Finally, there are the rest of us who don't finish first, but are determined to complete the race nevertheless. 这两者都是有一个“胜利者”会第一个穿过终点;有许多人中途退出;而其余的人并非第一个穿过终点,但还是决定完成比赛。

For most of us, half the battle is finishing the race, regardless of where we place among the finishers. The same goes for a job search. 对多数人来说,完成比赛就是成功的一半,不论最后是排在第几位。找工作也是如此。


2. Be Persistent 持之以恒

Just as in running a marathon, nothing worth having is ever easy to achieve. There is a lot of rejection in job search. Sometimes it seems as if you'll never get a "yes." Remember what good sales people already know: that winning a sale, a job, or any other goal is a numbers game. Commission sales people will tell you that every "no" is one step closer to a "yes." When you can see your process from a more objective viewpoint, knowing that you're one more rejection closer to a "yes," you'll be less inclined to take the "no's" personally or get discouraged. 正如在马拉松赛跑中一样,真正的成就不下一番功夫是获得不了的。 在找工作中会常常遭拒。有时看起来你好像永远都不会成功。请记住优秀的销售人员早已知道的一点:做成一笔买卖、获得一份工作或任何达成其它目标都是“数字游戏”。委托销售人员会说每一次“不成功”都让你和“成功”更近一步。当你从一个更客观的角度来审视,知道你遇到的“拒绝”越多,表明立那个“接受”就越近,那么你就不会倾向于让“拒绝”往心里去,或者气馁。(to be continued)


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