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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

You put your best foot forward during your job interview. You wear a pressed suit and arrive 20 minutes early. Once you've been working at a place for a while, though, you get a little more comfortable. Maybe you scrounge through the hamper to find a shirt that's not too wrinkled and you slide into your chair just as the clock strikes eight. 在面试时,你有一个很好的起步。你身穿烫得笔挺的西服、提前20分钟上班。不过,一旦你在一个地方工作了一阵子后,就会变得放松一点。也许,你会从一堆衣服里找一件不算太皱的衬衫,刚好在早晨八点钟敲响时,屁股坐到位子上。

Did it ever occur to you that employers might also be hiding their true colors during an interview? The dream job with the friendly boss who has an open-door policy might turn into a nightmare as soon as you sign the offer letter. 你有没有想过雇主也许同样在面试时隐藏了他们的“本色”呢?一份拥有采取开放政策的好上司的理想工作也许在你签下合同后就成了一场噩梦。

Here are six true-life signs that you shouldn't stick around at your new job.


4. After two weeks on the job, you are already halfway to becoming the employee with the most seniority. One of the reasons the country's top companies have employees who have been around for years is that people will stay where they're appreciated and treated well, and they'll leave when they're not. "I joined a firm in St. Louis and learned that the company had seven other employees come and go in the past year," says Sarah, a public relations executive. "What's worse is that it was only a five-person operation. That should have been the first sign that the company was not a great place to work." 上班两周后,你就已经快成为“元老”了。顶级公司有长期雇员的一个原因是人们会呆在被欣赏、善待的公司;否则,就会离开。公关主管Sarah说:“我在一家圣路易斯的公司工作过,发现公司在去年有七名员工加入和辞职,更糟糕的是,公司总共只是五个人在经营。这就是某家公司不怎么好的首要迹象。”

5. You answer the phone while the company's secretary is away from her desk and find that the voice at the other end is a collection agency calling for the third time that week. While this sounds unbelievable, this actually happened to one worker, who said other employees at the company were eventually instructed to not answer the phones. "It became a joke with all of us," she says. "We used to run out and cash our checks as soon as we got paid and were always afraid that they were going to bounce!" If you see any signs that your company is in real financial or legal trouble, don't wait for layoffs; get your résumé back out on the market. 当公司秘书不在,你在她的办工桌上接了电话,发现对方是催缴公司、称其本周第三次打来。虽然听上去难以置信,但是,这确实真有其事。一名员工曾遇到过公司的员工被指示不接这个电话的事情。她说:“这成了一个笑话。我们常常会在发薪水时就赶忙把支票兑现,一直担心会被退票!”如果你发现你的公司出了经济或法律麻烦,就别犹豫辞职了;赶紧把简历重新放到人才市场去吧。

6. You notice that every day for the last week, at least one person has run crying from your boss's office. Not every boss is the kind of person you want to be best friends with, but you should show each other respect. If you can't have a conversation with your boss without being yelled at, don't feel obligated to stick around. A good company uses open communication, not fear and intimidation, to get results. 你发现上周每天至少有一个人从老板办公室哭着跑出来。 虽然不是每位老板你都愿意和他成为最好的朋友,但是你们应该彼此尊重。如果每次和老板说话都少不了被大声训斥,那么就没有义务再呆下去了。好的公司会采用开放的交流来取得结果,而不是用恐惧或胁迫。

It may take a few days, weeks or even months to realize the new job isn't right for you. The key is to recognize the signs and leave when you can. If you have a bad gut feeling the first morning you report for work, listen to it. Better to move on than to find yourself still waiting for conditions to improve five years from now. 也许发现某份新工作不适合你需要几天、几周甚至几个月的时间。关键是要发现那些信号,并在可能的时候辞职。如果在第一天上班报道的时候就有不好的感觉,相信这种感觉。最好的办法是换工作,而不是发现自己五年后还在等待事情有所改观。


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