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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

To avoid landing in a position that's not for you, here are 12 pieces of advice to consider about the job hunting process before you accept your first job.


1. Ponder reasonable expectations for an entry-level salary. Research your desired industry and the jobs you're interested in within that sector. Use Web sites such as cbSalary.com to find the average salary for the job you want, in the location you're looking for work. Use that knowledge when deciding if a salary offer will be enough to pay the bills.


2. Consider the entire benefits package. "A salary offer is only one part of the compensation package," says Dwayne Keiffer, assistant director of career development at Messiah College in Grantham, Penn. Evaluate the entire benefits package. Does the company provide insurance? Will it contribute to a 401(K) plan? How much vacation do employees receive?

考虑整体福利。位于宾夕法尼亚州Grantham的Messiah学院职业发展助理主任Dwayne Keiffer说:“薪水只是收入的一部分。”考量一下全部福利。公司给员工上保险吗?参加401(K)计划(一种养老保险)吗?员工休假有多少?

3. Reflect on company quality. Job content and the quality of the organization you're going to work for should take a backseat to most other things, says Shawn Graham, author of "Courting Your Career." After all, you want the job that gives you the most options for your next career move. Compare job content, fit within the job and organization's culture, opportunities for advancement and compensation before saying "yes".

仔细考虑公司的好坏。《向你的职业献殷勤》一书作者Shawn Graham认为,将要从事的工作内容、企业好坏应该作为大多数其他事情的前提。毕竟,你希望的是一份能为下一步提供最多选择的工作。在接受之前要对工作内容、工作和企业文化的适合程度、发展机会、和收入作一番比较。

(to be continued)


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