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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Shopping for summer clothes to wear to work? Forget the tank tops and lose the flip-flops. 上班族们开始夏装大采购了吗?吊带衫和夹指凉拖还是不要考虑了。

A new survey showed tank tops and visible underwear are the biggest fashion faux pas on the job, according to Monster, an online job and recruiting site, which compiled more than 18,000 responses to an online poll. 据就业招聘网站Monster的一项最新在线调查表明,吊带衫和清晰可见的内衣是工作场合的穿衣大忌。这一调查结果由Monster根据1万8千多个回答汇编而成。

Flip-flop sandals weighed in next on the list of fashion mistakes, followed by Hawaiian prints and shorts, it said. 调查显示,夹指凉拖为工作场合的第二大穿衣禁忌,夏威夷印染衫和短裤名列其后。

What you wear at work speaks volumes, said Norma Gaffin, director of content at Monster, based in Maynard, Massachusetts. 位于马萨诸塞州梅纳德的Monster网站的内容总监诺玛•加芬说,上班时的穿着很重要。

"Do you want to look like you're 14? How seriously are people going to take you if they can see your bra? Or if you're wearing flip-flops, and they can hear you walking down the hall before you get there?" she said. 她说:“你想让自己看起来还像是14岁?如果别人看见了你的胸罩,他们会怎么看你?如果你穿着夹指拖,人还没到,声音就到了,那又将是什么结果?”

"If you want more responsibility and more autonomy, you're going to be taken more seriously if you're dressing appropriately," she said. “如果你想被予以更多重任、拥有更多自主权,那么得体的穿着则会让你显得更加庄重。”

Gaffin, who in her role at Monster provides advice to job seekers, says she tells people undergoing job interviews by telephone to dress professionally, even at home. 专为求职者提供建议的加芬说,她向电话面试的求职者建议要穿职业装,即便在家也应该这样。

"You will have a different demeanor if you're wearing your pajamas versus if you're wearing clothes. If those things are reflected over the voice when people can't see you, what is it reflecting when they can?" she said. 她说:“你穿睡衣和穿正装时的行为举止是会不一样的。如果这些差别在你的声音里都能体现出来,那么当对方见到你本人时,那又会暴露出什么问题?”


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