Want more interviews? Job searches in tough times like now demand polished resumes more than ever. If you are attempting to write your own resume, these seven tips are important to follow:
希望有更多的面试机会? 在当今这样经济困难的时期,求职者比以往更需要精良的简历。如果你打算亲自动手写简历,下面是七个重要的建议:
1. Select the best format. 选择最佳格式
While most resumes are written in a history chronological format, often a better technique is to evenly balance between skill-set description, achievements, and employment.
2. Make certain your document is error free. 确保简历文字准确无误
Since you are familiar with your own writing, you will "see" what you were thinking and not what is actually on the page. Do not rely on yourself to proofread your work and do not rely on spell-check. Find a friend who has strong grammar skills to check your work.
3. Find a balance between wordiness and lack of detail. “简和“繁的平衡
Employers need to see details about your work history and experience, but they don't need to know everything. The fact that you were den leader in your Cub Scout troop is irrelevant. Keep information germane to the goal of attaining an interview. Eliminate information that is not related and will not have a direct impact on winning the interview.
上一篇: 面试“逃跑”的六个理由
下一篇: 如何写出完整的求职简历
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