Content is King内容才是王道
Put your Education section first 把你的教育经历放在首位
Appearance can make or break your CV。格式可以成就你的简历,也可能毁了它
Succinct sentences 用简洁正确的语句
Customisation counts 量身定制简历
Banish buzzwords from your profile. Use language that illustrates your unique professional accomplishments and experiences. Give concrete examples of results you’ve achieved whenever possible and reference attributes that are specific to you。在你的简历里,放弃使用已经被滥用了的流行词,转而用语言来描述那些你的特别经历和获得的成绩。只要有可能,就尽量举一些具体的例子来说明,多用一些专属于你的形容词来描述自己。
Content is King内容才是王道
– Action-words: Use strong Action Verbs to highlight your job experience and duties. Instead of starting your sentence with a noun, kick off with an active verb. For example: Customer Service Representative. Assisted customers, trained and supervised 15 new employees, organized special promotional events.– 行为动词:使用简洁有力的动词来突出你的工作经验和职责,而不是用名词开头。比如:客户服务代表。帮助客户,培训和监管15名新员工,组织专门的销售活动。
– Numbers: It’s a good idea to include numbers, percentages and amounts in your job descriptions to back up your achievements. For example, Increased monthly sales by 100,000 over a 6-month period. Increased turnover by 20% in first year. Supervised a team of 10 people.– 数字:在简历中使用数字或百分比使成就更具有说服力是个不错的主意。例如:销售额在6个月间以每个月100,000的速度增长,第一年增加了20%的营业额。监管一个10人的团队。
– Length: No one wants to scan through two or more pages of long-winded accomplishments and experience. If it doesn’t all fit, cut it down to the most relevant and impressive items.– 长度:没人愿意看长篇大论的简历。遇到不必要的部分就删减掉,留下最相关、给人印象最深刻的部分。
Put your Education section first 把你的教育经历放在首位
If you’re a recent graduate and therefore have not yet been employed, put your Education section first. In addition to the basics – university name, degree and graduation date – you can include relevant coursework, honors or awards。如果你因为刚刚毕业所以还没有工作经验,那么把你的教育经历放在首位。包括一些基本的方面,比如大学名称,学士学位和毕业日期。当然也包括你修过的相关课程、所获荣誉或奖项等等。
Appearance can make or break your CV 格式可以成就你的简历,也可能毁了它
– Formatting: Too many different fonts, colors and graphic styles will hold the reader up. Simple bullets are best for separating your duties and skills; use bold and italics sparingly. Formatting should highlight your accomplishments, not draw attention away from them.– 格式:过多的字体、颜色和样式会分散读者的注意力。简单的项目符号能最好地表明你的职责和技能,同时,有节制地使用粗体和斜体。使用格式是为了突出你的成就,而非分散别人的注意力。
Succinct sentences 用简洁正确的语句
Having unnecessary information that's not related to the job is a waste of time for your hiring manager. Don't overshare— pick the right succinct sentences to showcase the skills that will be valuable in the position。在简历上写与目标职位不相关的经历是在浪费招聘经理的时间。不要写太多信息——用简洁正确的语句写下对目标职位有用的技能。
Customisation counts 量身定制简历
One size does not fill all. Read the job specification carefully. Look for key words in the text the reveal the kind of personality being looked for, and what the employer expects the right candidate to be able to deliver。为应聘职位量身定制简历:对所有职位都使用同一版本的简历会很没有针对性。仔细阅读职位要求,在关键字中找出职位需要的性格特质,并且分析雇主希望的理想雇员是怎样的。
Résumé experts advise only including interests that show off transferable traits desirable to employers — like the motivation required to run marathons or study piano for 12 years。简历专家建议,只要写上那些能转化为老板喜欢的特征的兴趣爱好就可以了,比如跑马拉松和练习钢琴12年等兴趣爱好,能表现你的积极性。
But what if your interests are more commonplace? That’s when specificity can make a difference. “Reading” by itself is a snooze. But “reading medical mysteries” is a little quirky and shows some intellectual rigor。但要是你的兴趣爱好比普通还普通怎么办?那就要写出专一性来显示自己的与众不同了。“阅读”这个词本身看起来很插科打诨。但是“阅读医学疑难类书籍”就有点与众不同了,能表现你学术方面的精准。
上一篇: 面试英语:如何回答工作经验
下一篇: 如何写好求职信:注意细节
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