“Travel. Cooking. Reading.” “旅游。烹饪。阅读。” If the “interests” section of your résumé reads something like this, you’re wasting valuable real estate, say experts. 如果你简历上的“兴趣”一栏就这么填,那就是在浪费空间,专家这样说。 With recruiters often reading hundreds of résumés a week, it’s true your interests can help you stand out in a group of similarly-credentialed applicants, but only if those interests are exceptional. Run-of-the-mill activities aren’t going to win you a second look. 招聘人员一周往往会读几百份简历,填上兴趣爱好能让你在一群资历相似的应聘者中脱颖而出,这个说法不假,但仅限于特殊情况下。普通的兴趣爱好不会让应聘经理对你刮目相看。 Résumé experts advise only including interests that show off transferable traits desirable to employers — like the motivation required to run marathons or study piano for 12 years. 简历专家建议,只要写上那些能转化为老板喜欢的特征的兴趣爱好就可以了,比如跑马拉松和练习钢琴12年等兴趣爱好,能表现你的积极性。 Gretchen Johnson, senior vice president of human resources at Travelzoo Inc., recalls one applicant who not only was an avid mountain climber, but also volunteered in those remote locales. Travelzoo公司人力资源部的高级副总裁格雷琴·约翰逊,说起一个应聘者,他不仅是一个登山发烧友,也是边远地区的志愿者。 “What usually stands out is when someone has managed to take their interests to a whole different level,” she says. “某些应聘者设法将他们的兴趣爱好写成跟其他人不一样,这样往往可以脱颖而出。”她说道。 But what if your interests are more commonplace? That’s when specificity can make a difference. “Reading” by itself is a snooze. But “reading medical mysteries” is a little quirky and shows some intellectual rigor, says Quentin J. Schultze. 但要是你的兴趣爱好比普通还普通怎么办?那就要写出专一性来显示自己的与众不同了。“阅读”这个词本身看起来很插科打诨。但是“阅读医学疑难类书籍”就有点与众不同了,能表现你学术方面的精准,昆丁·J·舒尔茨这样说道。 Be careful not to let a quest for quirky cross the line. If the interest suggests “an odd obsession,” Schultze says, you’ve probably gone too far. Case in point: Schultze once interviewed someone whose passion was to persuade American society to eat dog. While certainly memorable, that’s one interest better left off a résumé. 要小心点,不要让自己的爱好过分与众不同。如果兴趣爱好暗示应聘者“一种奇怪的迷恋”,舒尔茨说,你很有可能写得过份了,举个例子:舒尔茨有一次面试了一个人,他热衷于劝说美国人吃狗肉。虽然的确令人过目难忘,但还是把这个爱好从简历剔除吧。 In the age of Facebook and Twitter, it can be tempting to research the hiring manager and only include interests that overlap with theirs. But that could end up looking contrived. Instead, Schultze suggests researching the company. If it puts emphasis on community involvement, for example, include your volunteer work. 在Facebook和Twitter的时代,应聘者喜欢去调查应聘经理的资料,简历上只写和他们一样的兴趣爱好。但这样也许会显得做作。相反,舒尔茨建议调查应聘公司。如果该公司把重点放在社会参与,举例来说,你可以填上你的志愿工作。 If you don’t have any impressive interests, don’t try to pick one up overnight. It makes for an awkward interview when a candidate doesn’t speak passionately about an alleged interest and “makes the hiring manager start to doubt other things,” Johnson says. 如果你没什么令人印象深刻的爱好,就别想着一夜速成。面试的时候,说起自己简历上的爱好是一副没劲打彩的模样,就尴尬了。约翰逊说,“这样会引起应聘经理对你其他资料的怀疑。” Interests don’t normally come up in the first interview since the hiring manager is focused on determining whether the applicant has the right skill set, says Johnson. 第一轮面试时,通常不会提起兴趣爱好,因为那时应聘经理关注的是这个应聘者有没有达到他们的技能要求。约翰逊说道。 But Beth Brown, co-author of a recent edition of the Damn Good Resume Guide, suggests leaving out interests all together. She says that interests are rarely valuable and there’s a risk they may even work against you. 但《绝好的简历指南》最新版本合著人贝茨·布朗建议,不要在简历上写任何兴趣爱好。她说,兴趣爱好没什么价值,你写上去很冒险,也许会对你不利。 She recalls one client who included “sailing,” assuming it would make him more appealing for the middle-management position he wanted. But he later found out he lost a head-to-head matchup with another applicant because the employer was worried he would want to take long weekends for sailing trips. 她提起一个应聘者,他写的爱好是“帆船运动”,他以为这么写会吸引到别人,得到自己想要的中层管理职位。但不久以后,他发现自己失去了和另一名应聘者直面竞争的机会,因为老板担心他要花上几周去航海旅行。 Brown suggests letting your personality shine in your cover letter and saving the space on your résumé for skills and experience most relevant to the job you’re seeking. 布朗建议在求职信中突出自己的个性特征,把简历的空间留给和你求职最有关的技术和经验。 After all, even the most impressive interest can only get you so far. The mountain-climbing do-gooder didn’t end up getting the job at Travelzoo. The skill set just wasn’t the right fit, Johnson says. 毕竟,即使是最令人过目不忘的兴趣爱好也帮不了你什么。那个登山发烧友最后也没能在Travelzoo得到工作。因为他的技能就不适合担任该工作,约翰逊说道。 (实习编辑:于晓伟)