职场实用贴:老板变跳板 如何让上司引荐你?-查字典英语网
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职场实用贴:老板变跳板 如何让上司引荐你?

发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

You'd like to be considered for a promotion to a management position. How should you let your boss know about your desire to move up? You do not want to give the impression that you want your boss's job. You'd also like to make it clear that you're not looking to leave the company, unless you have no choice.

In an ideal world, mentioning to your boss that you'd like to be promoted would be easy. After all, plenty of companies pay lip service to the idea that a big part of managers' mission is developing the talent under them and mentoring tomorrow's leaders.
Even so, says John Beeson, "It's shocking how few big companies make it a point to help people develop a coherent career path" -- despite the fact that countless studies have shown that doing so is one of the surest ways to keep star employees from quitting. Beeson, who is head of New York City-based Beeson Consulting, wrote a book you might want to check out called The Unwritten Rules: The Six Skills You Need to Get Promoted to the Executive Level.

"To some bosses, 'ambition' is a dirty word. Whether or not yours is one of them, this conversation is going to take some finesse," Beeson notes. That's especially true if you are someone your manager relies upon to meet his own goals. In his consulting work, Beeson often comes across a phenomenon he calls "talent hoarding." "Gaining a reputation as a 'star spotter', someone who develops future leaders, can be good for a manager's career -- but sometimes the downside of losing you outweighs that benefit."

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