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发布时间:2013-07-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1. Mike has a good m____________. He always r things well.

  2. Many v_________ visit the museum every year. 3. Thanking you for o_______ the trip.

  4. He has good g____ in English, I think if he ___ (do) his best, he will get better r in it.

  5. Don’t worry, you will know the r______ of the exam tomorrow.

  6. How h________ is the building? He can always jump (high).

  7.It is d_________ for him to finish reading the book this evening.

  8.---Can you help me with my homework? –No p__ _. 9. We must do our b______ to help them.

  10.Su Ning’s maths is quite good, but sometimes she is c_______ _.

  11.I was very happy because I r_______ a letter from my best friend yesterday.

  12.I was reading a book at home. Suddenly the telephone r______ .

  13.A serious accident h______ yesterday.

  14.It is d______ to play with fire, so you must keep yourselves away from d .

  15.I f_______ to bring our tennis rackets, so we couldn’t play tennis that day.

  16.Tom is the head of my class. So he often o_________ different activities for my class.

  17. My son has a strong p . Sometime it’s not good.


  1.钢琴弹得好_________________ 2尽某人最大的努力做某事________________/___________ 3.很了解中国历史_______________ 4有不错的记忆力__________ 5.组织班级活动_________

  6举行一次家长会_______________ 7擅长于写作____ ____ 8.取得好的成绩___________

  9做更多的练习¬¬¬¬¬________________ 10 跟着老师重复____________11 讲出不同之处___________


  ( )1. Su Ning has good grades_____ Chinese, English and History. A. on B. in C. for D. as

  ( )2. My brother knows____ about _____.

  A. a lot of; Chinese history B. a lot; the history of China

  C. ot of; the history of China D. lots of; Chinese history

  ( )3.Suzy is _______ history, but_______ geography.

  A. well in; poor at B. good in; poor in C. good at; weak at D. good at; weak in

  ( )4.Sandy likes playing_______ piano, but she is good at playing_______ tennis.

  A.the; the B.the;/ C./; the D./; /

  ( )5.---You dance so well. Can you teach me at weekends? ----________.

  A. Never mind B. No problem C. That’s all right D. That’s OK

  ( )6. She ____ know the answer, but I’m not sure. A. maybe B. may be C. may D. must

  ( )7. --Class 3 won the football match! --- ____ it be true? A. may B. Must C. Will D. Can

  ( )8. ---I’m sorry I didn’t win in the race. ---Bad luck! Well, you_______ win every time.

  A. can’t B. must C. should D. mustn’t

  ( )9. ________ hard work it is! A. What a B. What C. How a D. How

  ( )10._______ funny the girl is! A. What an B. How C. What D. How a

  ( )11._________ good news he told us! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

  ( )12. quickly the old man walks! A. What B. What a C. How an D. How

  ( )13._______easy problems they are! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an

  ( )14.Do you hope to go_____?

  A. warm somewhere B. anywhere warm C. warm anywhere D. somewhere warm

  ( )15.________ it was yesterday because of the storm!

  A. What bad weather B. What a bad weather C. How had a weather D. How bad weather


  1.你们应该尽可能频繁地读英语。You should read English .


  You should read English and .


  --Can you teach me ? --

  4 一位五岁的男孩迷了路,正在街上哭。

  A _________ boy _______ _______ ___ and was ___ in the street .

  5 我们热切盼望收到你的来信。 We look ___ from you soon .

  6 我做电脑工作。有时他帮助俱乐部在网上获取资料。

  He does computer work .Sometimes he gets ___ from the ___ for the club .

  7 陈丹正在上学路上, 他把那个孩子送到派出所去了。

  Chen Dan was __- his way ____ school . He ___ the boy to the police station .

  8如果没有他的帮助, 我是不会得到100分的。

  I ____ get 100 _____ __ _____ ____ ____ .


  Carl is a good boy. He lives in a small house with his family in London. He is eighteen and he is a student of a middle school. But he works after school every day. He has a part-time job. He helps at a big restaurant. Carl gets up at six in the morning. He doesn’t like to get up so early. But his first class begins at half past seven. He usually has some bread, an egg an apple or banana for his breakfast. His mother wants him to have a big breakfast. After that, he and his young sister, Tina, go to school. Carl is at school from half past seven to twelve. He has lunch at a quarter past twelve with his good friend Tim. Carl has a little break at noon. In the afternoon, he works. There’re many customers in his restaurant at lunch and super time and Cark likes to help them. After supper, he helps his parents clean the dishes in the kitchen. Then he studies in his bedroom. He doesn’t watch TV. He goes to bed at about eleven thirty at midnight. He must be very tired.

  ( )1. Carl is _____________.

  A a waiter in a small restaurant B. a worker

  C. a good teacher at school D. a student. But he helps in a restaurant after school.

  ( ) 2. Carl______________.

  A works in a small restaurant B. Lives in a small school

  C. Studies in a small school D. Lives in a big city

  ( )3. Which of the following sentences is true?

  A Carl likes to have many things for his breakfast. B Carl’s mother works in a restaurant.

  C Tina is Carl’s young sister. She is a student, too. D. Carl’s father doesn’t do anything at home

  ( )4. Carl studies at school_____ a day.

  A. four hours B. one hour C. four hours and a half D. four hours and a quarter

  ( )5. Which of the following sentences is true?

  A Carl likes to work in the restaurant.

  B Carl studies at school in the daytime and works in the evening.

  C Carl has lunch with his sister and has supper with his family.

  D After a day’s study and work, Carl goes to bed early.


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