1. 形容词最高级有时单独使用,但前面需加定冠词:
What’s the best time to go there? 什么时候到那儿去最好?
Express mail is the fastest way to send a letter. 快递是寄信的最快办法。
It’s the latest fashion from Paris. 这是巴黎来的最新式样。
The oldest is only nine. 最大的才九岁。
The highest mountain in Japan is Fuji. 日本最高的山是富士山。
In Western Europe Germany has the most people. 在西欧德国人口最多。
2. 有时跟一个短语或从句说明在哪个范围内如此:
It is the largest island in Europe. 它是欧洲最大的岛。
Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. 昨天是今年最热的一天。
The Yangtze is the biggest river in our country. 长江是我国最大的河流。
It was the cheapest hotel we could find. 这是我们能找到的最便宜的旅馆。
This was the best beer (that) I have ever drunk. 这是我喝过的最好的啤酒。
It was the worst film we had ever seen. 这是我们看过的最糟的电影。
3. 形容词前有时有定语或状语修饰:
Its second largest city is Osaka. 它的第二大城市是大阪。
The third largest city is Los Angeles. 第三大城市是洛杉矶。
She was by far the most active member in our group. 她是我们小组最积极的成员。
4. 形容词最高级有时表示“非常的意思,这时前面可加不定冠词或不加定冠词:
It’s a most touching story. 这是一个非常动人的故事。
It was most stupid to act like that. 这样做是非常愚蠢的。
5. 形容词最高级还可用在某些短语中(这时常转化为名词):
She is ten years old at most. 她至多十岁。
We’ll do our best. 我们将尽力而为。
I. 把下面句子译为汉语:
1. London is the largest city in Britain.
2. He was the kindest man we had met.
3. This is the oldest theatre in Beijing.
4. She is the most diligent student in our class.
5. He was the most dangerous person in that area..
6. Paul is the strongest boy in the kindergarten.
7. That was the best film I had ever seen.
8. Berlin is the most important city in Germany.
9. George is the eldest of their four children.
10. She was not the least bit tired, though she had worked all day.
11. He is a most remarkable man.
II. 在下面句子中的习惯用语下划线:
1. He must weigh 200 pounds, at least.
2. She didn’t trust him in the least.
3. He looked 20 at (the) most.
4. I did my best to win the competition.
5. The garden is at its best this month.
6. I’ll do it to the best of my ability.
7. Mother tried her best not to smile.
8. Saturn has a family of at least 10 moons.
9. I’m not in the least interested in what he is saying.
10. To the best of my knowledge he isn’t in Hong Kong.
下一篇: 小学英语中形容词及副词的比较级