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发布时间:2013-07-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  1.get along/on with2.achieve/score high marks3.overlook my studies4.keep sth a secret

  5.in a dilemma 6.be determined to do sth7.seem absent-minded8.can’t help doing sth9. can’t bear doing sth 10.discourage sb from doing sth 11. in addition 12.wipe out 13.cut down(upon) 14.open the floor 15.run out (of ) 16. in the form of 17.be stocked with 18.pick out 19.rely on 20.lead to


  1. betrayed2.academic 3. admitted 4.deliberately 5. forgive, teases6.guilty 7.awkward

  8. approaching 9. beneficial 10. obvious 11. responsibilities 12. willing 13. established

  14. stocked; modern; equipment 15. endangered


  1. when do you think they will get there2. Not all men can be masters.

  3. neither can I.4. I don’t think he could have done

  5. that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy

  6. open the floor for the question at tomorrow’s meeting

  7. making people and traffic move freely8. having time to relax with you on this nice island

  Ⅳ.单项选择1~5 CBDAA6~10 ABCCC11~15 BBBBD

  Ⅴ.完形填空1~5 AADBD6~10 CADBD11~15 BDDBB16~20 CAABB

  Ⅵ.阅读理解1~4 DABB5~8 BBCB



  1. on the one hand 2.in general 3.push ahead with 4..end up 5.for sale 6.use up 7.put… in place

  8. figure out 9.the other day 10.on one’s part 11. in hospital;12. apart from;

  13. devote oneself to;14. in good spirits; 15. across the world;16. role model;

  17. believe in; 18. be tired of; 19. ahead of;20. at that point.


  1. academic2. praised3. industry4. arguing5. obvious/ apparent/ clear

  6. decreased / dropped7. anxiety8. destroyed/ damaged9. tease

  10. established 11reaction / response 12.humorous13.skilled14.poster15.annoyed


  1. were surrounded by; 2. expects; complete;3. Devoted to; 4. Whichever; take;

  5. will have planted;6. imagine;7. To tell the truth;8. were about to; when.

  Ⅳ.单项选择1~5 CACDA6~10 BA BCA11~15 BDABB

  Ⅴ.完形填空1~5 BCADA6~10 DCBDB11~15 CBADC16~20 BAADC

  Ⅵ.阅读理解1~4 CCAB5~8 BBAD



  1.borrow from2. a number of3.be connected with4. be linked to5. at weddings in the West

  6. as strong as a horse7. as busy as a bee8. as poor as a church mouse9. as cool as a cucumber10.to sleep like a log11. In charge of12. put forward13. regard---as14. except for

  15. catch hold of16. have effects on17. in addition to18. apply to19. break down20. serve as


  1. accumulated2. ajusted3. account4. unbelievable5. celebrated6.purpose 7. reference

  8. aware 9. collection 10. voluntary 11. urgency 12. operation 13. aspects 14. conscience 15. conflicted


  1. donated; living in poverty2. shortage of3. feel, honoured, have the chance4. be based on

  5. ensure; is available to6. apart from7. is concerned about; equal chance of

  8) increase people’s awareness

  Ⅳ.单项选择1~5 DCAAC 6~10 ABDBD 11~15 DBDBA

  Ⅴ.完形填空1~5 CDBAD6~10 ADBBC11~15 ACBAC16~20 DACDB

  Ⅵ.阅读理解1~4 ABCC 5~8 BCAB



  1. 1.be superior to 2. wind up 3. spring up 4. a variety of 5. in that case 6. stand for

  7. be capable of 8. up to date 9. up to somebody 10. be familiar with 11.be based on

  12. have faith in 13. for the time being 14. be associated with 15. a handful of

  16. in large quantities 17. split up into groups18.in place of19. be addicted to20. be exposed to


  1. weighs2. suitable3. accompany4. Anyway/Anyhow5. guarantee6. faith7. recording8. unwilling9. familiar10. valid11. trial12. application 13. quantity 14. arrangements 15. sharp


  1. fresh air contributes to good health 2. considered to have invented the first telephone

  3. It is likely that the price of this digital camera will go down 4. let out a cry of surprise

  5. in case I forget it 6. are reminded to do eye exercises

  Ⅳ.单项选择1~5 BDADA6~10 BCCBC11~15 BAACA

  Ⅴ.完形填空1~5 ABBAD6~10 BCADB11~15 BCDCA16~20 DBCAC

  Ⅵ.阅读理解1~5 BCBAD6~10 CDABA



  1.block from doing2. make arrangements3. bring relief to sb4. result in5. in large quantities

  6. a handful of7. be unable to do… 8. leave behind 9. let out10. prevent heart attacks

  11. beyond one’s expectation12. speed up13. be under repair14. arise from15. violate the law

  16. have a responsibility for/to do17. make the assumption18. an invitation to accidents

  19. keep… in good condition20. be up to somebody


  1. inspiring2.Accumulated3. allocated4. beliefs5. overcame 6.co-operation/cooperation 7.guilty 8.simply9.vital/siganificant10.responsibility/responsibilities

  11. dedicated12. inspiring13. automatic 14. contact15. protein


  1. did great damage to 2. The bands have linked up for the charity concert

  3. are still in use4. in honor of; had lost his life for his motherland.

  5. So many private cars choke off the traffic6. If your car isn’t kept in good condition

  7. Everyone has a responsibility8. The underground system being built

  Ⅳ.单项选择1~5 ADCAA6~10 CADAA11~15 BABDD

  Ⅴ.完形填空 1~5 ABDCC6~10 DACDB 11~15 DCBDA16~20 CBDDA

  Ⅵ.阅读理解1~3 CAC4~8 BCDDC



  1. have a place in… 2. be set in3. free from4.on best-seller lists5. be divided into

  6. the threat of violence7. get caught8.the monument to9.have a talent for10.let out a sad sigh

  11. a cold-hearted person12.. shortly afterwards13. exercise control over14. be drunk with

  15. the Forbidden City16. apply for 17.. classical musical 18. folk song 19. pop chart 20. be drafted into


  1. musicians2. butterflies3. performers4. privilege5. director 6. phenomenon7. motherland8. reputation9. violinist 10. slavery 11. adaptations 12. fortune 13. bent14. reforming15. settling


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