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发布时间:2013-07-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  T11.× 2.√ 3. ×4. × 5.√T2 (略)P63T11. pen2. pencil3. bag4. pigsT2(略)This is my pet.He /she is a(an)dog.He /she is white/yellow/black/brown.He/she has two/big/long/black ears.

  He/she has a short/long/pretty/cool tail.

  He/she has two/red/blue eyes.

  I like him/her so much.

  T2AaHh Jj KkEeBb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt VvIiYyOo

  UuQq Ww

  Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz

  RrP65T1 B

  T2NBA CBA CCTV UK VCD DCD TV P.E. ID KFC UFO A.M. P.M. VOA BBC WC WHO WTO USAP66T1(1)What is she going to buy?( 她将要买什么?)She is going to buy skirt, T-shirt, dress, sunglasses , shorts and sandals.(2)He is going to buy coat, sweater, boots, jacket, scarf(围巾), gloves(手套), cap, socks and jeans.T2My name is Yang Minrui. I’m a boy. I’m a student. Sometimes(有时) I like sports. My best friend is Cai Ziyang. He likes P.E. very much.P67T1Tom likes tigers and snakes.Jack likes giraffes.Nancy likes pandas.Jenny likes giraffes.T2(1) face(2) pen(3) five(4) nose(5) musicp68T11. It’s fifty yuan.(It’s ¥50. )2. How much is the bread?It’s two yuan.3. How much are the sandals?They’re twenty-eight yuan.4. How much are the jeans?They’re ¥28.T2 写出反义词big – smalllong – shorthot – coldcool – warmthis – thatwhite – blackstrong – thinhere – therep69B E F C D G AP70(1) a computer three computers(2) a picturefour pictures(3) a goosetwo geese.(one foot– two feet)(a tooth- two teeth)(4) the /a pair of pantstwo pantsp71T1 AT2鲍勃的妈妈被气疯了, 因为他的房间被弄得一团糟! 她说:“把房间打扫干净! 鲍勃把他的玩具、脏衣服、书本放在床底下。鲍勃说:“我的房间现在干净了。


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