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发布时间:2013-07-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1-5 ABCBB

  6-10 CACAB

  11-15 BABCA

  21-25 ABABB

  26-30 CABDB

  31-35 DADBC

  36-40 BCCAA

  41-45 CDCAB

  46-50 ABDBC

  51-55 BADCC

  56-60 DCABA

  61-65 BBABA

  66-70 DDABA

  71-75 ACABB

  16. studying 17. policeman 18. hospital 19. restaurant

  20. writer

  76. sunny 77. musicians 78. rains 79. is taking

  80. reporter

  81 Does, want 82. is, playing 83. is, an 84. isn’t having

  85. How, is

  86. Where, reading 87. What’s , job 88. isn’t ,in 89. Everyone, fun

  90. snowy, day 91. many 92. fine 93. warm 94. looks

  95. clouds 96. comes 97. their 98.underr 100.say

  1-4 CABC 5-8 CBCB 9-12 AABB 13-16 ABAB

  17-21 BADBB 22-26 CDCAB 27-31 BDCCC

  32-36 BDCDA 37-41 ACBAC 42-46 BACCD 47-51 BADAC

  52. China 53. elephant 54. funny 55. Australia

  56. 80/Eighty years old. 57. Soup and salad. 58.F 59.F


  61. behind 62. wrote 63. leaves 64. sunny 65. took photos

  66. expensive 67. loudly 68. capital 69. washes 70. language

  71. Is he waiting for the bus?

  72. What do you think of sitcoms?

  73. He wants to be a bank clerk.

  74. I would like beef and tomato noodles.

  75. The movie made me feel happy.

  76. (10分)One possible version:

  My Last Year

  How time flies! I spent one year in my school. I studied in my beautiful school. And the teachers here were friendly to us. I made many new friends and spent time with them. We had a good time last year. In class, I studied all my subjects with my classmates. After class, I often played basketball with my friends. And I joined the music club. I learned a lot in my school. I was very happy last year.


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