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发布时间:2013-07-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  一、 词汇运用

  I. 1. useful     2. arrival   3. though   4. level     5. paint II. 1-5 ACBDA    III. 1. whose    2. Although  3. that    4. why    5. instead IV. 1. lecture     2. whole    3. atmosphere  4. beg    5. imagine   6. supported  7. Western   8. thoughts  9. perform  10. together V. 1. reading     2. my     3. named   4. to play   5. be shown   6. injured     7. memorize   8. long     9. colourful   10. to have VI . 1. in case   2. looking forward to   3. in total   4. turns into   5. After all   6. broke down     7. gave up   8. in the form of   9. falling asleep            10. decided to


  I. 1. Students should read as many books as possible.   2. My parents didn’t come back home until 11 o’clock.   3. She is so confident that she will win the beauty contest.   4. The wall of the house absorbs heat during the day.   5. We will climb the mountain tomorrow if it doesn’t rain. II. 1. expecting to       2. was unaware of        3. spent in doing / spent on   4. with the help of     5. so that / in order that  6. how many   7. whenever you’d like to   8. to finish the report   9. when to   10. because she is busy


  I. 1-5 BADBC   6-10 CCABD Ⅱ. 1. should be given back     2. Did; put     3. can’t go; unless   4. What did; try       5. What a      6. which / that was built; attracts         7. bought; for   8. don’t think; will      9. what to      10. at the age of III. 1. more expensive改为expensive   2. too改为so   3. because改为because of  4. won’t改为will   5. late改为latest      6. widely改为wide      7. accepted改为received   8. dead改为death      9. it放到up前面   10. having改为to have IV. 1. well     2. yourself  3. skills    4. earn      5. staying   6. more    7. goes    8. With    9. important    10. first

  四、I. 1-5 BDABC 6-10 ABACD II. 1. ones   2. go     3. most    4. in     5. they   6. help   7. says     8. offering   9. another   10. that III. (A) 1. problems   2. speak  3. join    4. Listening to   5. improved   (B) 1. with     2. taken   3. But    4. sleep     5. What   6. pieces     7. and   8. exercise 9. less       10. follow   (C) 1-5 EABGD IV. One possible version: Thank you, my best friend Two years ago, I was a cool girl and looked like a boy. I didn’t like to talk to others. One day, a special girl named Wang Hui came into my life. She was very lovely. She often helped me and played with me. We became good friends soon. With her help, I became outgoing. Now, I am a happy girl. I’m often moved by the people around me. I also learn to help others. Although I have made lots of new friends, Wang Hui is still my best friend.

  五、1-5 BBADC    6-10 BDCCA    11-15 AABDC    16-20 DAABC 21-25 BCDAC   26-30 DDACD 31-35 CADAB   36-40 DCABD   41-45 CDCAD   46-50 BCBAC 51-55 CBACD 56-60 DAFCB   61-65 DGAEC 66. educational 67. death 68. churches    69. was watching 70. doesn’t rain 71. injured    72. him   73. ended    74. the best     75. worried One possible version: Keep our city clean   The environment of our city is getting worse and worse. It’s our duty to keep it clean. It’s not good to spit in public, such as in the library or in the classroom. We should neither draw pictures on the wall nor throw litter on the ground. I think we should do some cleaning every day. If everyone tries his best to do something helpful to our city, I’m sure our city will become more and more beautiful.


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