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发布时间:2013-07-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1-5 BCBAD


  1-5 BAADC


  1-5 CEADB

  一、词汇运用 I. 1. around     2. show     3. together   4. article    5. bad-tempered II. 1-5 ACDBC III. 1. wallet     2. imagine   3. storm     4. excuse   5. waves   6. smile     7. strange   8. vehicle   9. smell     10. note IV. 1. death     2. colourful   3. popularity   4. costs     5. amazed   6. charities   7. funny     8. succeeded  9. exactly    10. expression V. 1. line     2. instead   3. history   4. repaired   5. pale   6. topic     7. trick    8. end     9. Though   10. jacket VI. 1. For example   2. around the world     3. in order of   4. goes wrong     5. laugh at


  I. 1. I forgot what to buy at the supermarket.   2. You must allow your mind to have enough rest.   3. A good way of improving English is to work hard.   4. How can we make our memory better?   5. How many cartoons were made by Mr Hill in total? II. 1. full of         2. come at 6 o’clock  3. unhappy; wrong with   4. stopped / kept; from going           5. boring to watch        6. paint the wall blue     7. are connected by   8. gets; into trouble   9. pay attention to     10. on screen

  三、语法篇 I. 1. longer   2. to clean     3. to listen     4. plays    5. are   6. to stop   7. won’t feel     8. open       9. mend    10. terribly II. 1-5 DDBAC 6-10 BCDBA III. 1. like eating     2. a great / big success     3. always asking   4. angry with     5. complain about; stops working      6. to finish; to work   7. to keep; quiet       8. was shown; the 1950s   9. to laugh at     10. in trouble with IV. 1. memory   2. old     3. their    4. to protect    5. hear about   6. recently   7. like    8. is caused   9. questions 10. first

  I. 1-5 DAACB 6-10 BDABC II. 1. in       2. nice    3. become   4. alone   5. looked   6. if       7. stood   8. how     9. surprised 10. agreed III. (A) 1. wrong   2. pass 3. how     4. for     5. learn from   (B) 1. that   2. what     3. seeing / watching      4. name        5. Have   6. plays     7. stars     8. his     9. lend        10. for   (C) 1-5 DFABE IV. One possible version: Many teenagers are getting fatter and fatter nowadays. Being too fat is not good for them. Therefore, more and more teenagers want to lose weight. Here is some advice for them. First, they need to change their eating habits. For example, they can have some soup before meals because this can make them feel full easily. It’s also important to eat slowly. The faster they eat, the more they want to eat. Second, they should do more exercise, such as running and swimming. Finally, they should keep it up and never give up.


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