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发布时间:2013-07-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1-5 AABCB 6-10 BCCAC 11-15 ABABA 16-20CACBA

  21.Two 22. soccer games 23. four 24. afternoon 25.Kevin


  26-30 CBDAA 31-35 BBCDA 36-40 AADBB


  A) 41-45 BDCAB 46-50 ABDAC 51-55 BBABC

  B)56. same 57. beautiful 58. classroom 59. know 60. Because

  61. anything 62. deeply 63. friends 64. did 65. successful


  66-70 BBCAC 71-75 DBCBC 76-80 ACCCD 81-85 DFBGA




  1. W: Is this your birthday present, Bruce?

  M: Yes. It’s a nice watch from Tina.

  Q: What present was from Tina?

  2. M: Where were you yesterday afternoon?

  W: I was playing volleyball on the playground.

  Q: Where was the girl yesterday afternoon?

  3. W: What time does your father go to work every morning, George?

  M: He usually goes to work at 7:30. What about your father, Ann?

  W: Oh, 10 minutes earlier.

  Q: When does Ann’s father go to work in the morning?

  4. W: Mary told me she didn’t like watching football matches.

  M: Why?

  W: She said it was boring.

  Q: What did Mary think of watching football matches?

  5 .M: Mom, it’s a fine day.

  W: Yes. But the radio says it will rain later on.

  Q: How is the weather now?

  B) 听对话,回答问题,每段对话听两遍。


  W: Tom, your dad is waiting for you. We’re going to have a family meeting.

  M: OK, I’m coming. What are we going to talk about?

  W: About where to spend our holidays. Do you have any ideas?

  M: I’d like to go to Sydney. Is that OK?

  W: Good idea. I’m sure your father will agree with you.


  W: Excuse me, could you tell me your name?

  M: I’m Steven.

  W: What do you do?

  M: I’m a student, but I also have a part-time job in a restaurant.

  W: You’re very busy then. Well, what foreign languages can you speak?

  M: I can speak French and Russian a little.

  W: Do you like traveling around?

  M: Yes. I’ve got friends in France, America and Russia.

  C)听短文: 根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案,短文和问题读两遍:

  It was quite late at night. I was reading a newspaper alone in my room when I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses standing there. He said that he was a friend of my brother’s and wanted to have a talk with him. I didn’t know if my brother had such a friend, but I had to let him in.

  As we talked, I found that he knew nothing about my brother. Then I came to know that his words were not true. Suddenly my brother rushed in and the young man was so surprised that he didn’t know what to do for a moment. We caught the man and sent him to the police at the same time.


  A. 1-5 CCABA B. 6-10 CBACB C. 11-15 BCCBA


  1-5 BBCCC 6-10 DBACC 11-15 CBCDD


  1-5 ABADB 6-10 ADBCB


  A. 1-5 BBADD B. 6-10 BDABD


  1.advice/suggestions 2. Prepare 3 forget 4. put/place/leave 5. During/In

  6. Staying/Keeping 7.indoors 8. necessary/important 9.When/until 10. safe


  1.development 2.wives 3.audience 4.operations 5.chance

  6.inventions 7.advertisements 8.arranged 9.raised 10. proud


  1.designer 2.meaning 3.educational 4.further 5.medical

  6. getting 7.events 8.has lived 9.not to give 10. do


  1.has been dead for two years 2.too; to go to school 3. Will; a success/successful; kept asking 4.impolite/not polite to look down on 5.used to; in old houses

  九、书面表达。 (略)


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